Monday, June 1, 2009

Last Week of School

Busy as usual. It's the last week of school...only 3 more days. Oh goodness, I wonder what the summer will bring. I so wish I could take some time off to spend with the Girls. Somehow, we need to plan some sort of a staycation. We're seriously sticking to our Dave Ramsey plan so a vacation is out of the question, but that certainly doesn't mean we can't spend some serious family time together. Decisions, decisions!

Thursday night we went to a picnic with Ashleigh's kindergarten class. It was sponsored by her teacher, Mrs. Roberts. She was nice enough to buy all the hot dogs, buns, and supplies and then the families brought chips, desserts, and drinks. The kids had a GREAT time and we enjoyed being there for Ashleigh. Addy got in on the fun too.

Here's a picture of Ashleigh and Mrs. Roberts:

Ash at the picnic on one of the safer toys:

Tube fun:

Ash wasn't too happy that Addy is big enough for her chair:

Pretty girl:

Hmmmm...yup, that's grass:

I took some pictures of Brittany in her cap and gown before she de-faced her cap by decorating it for graduation. I haven't edited the photos yet and these are the most shareable:


I found this recipe online called "Watermelon Lemonade". It sounded sooo good I decided to try to make it since Brian LOVES drinks, any kind of drinks, especially fruity drinks. Here's Brian's first taste:

He really liked it. But he did improve on it by adding some Sprite to it. It really was good. He liked it so much he went to the grocery store tonight to buy more watermelon and more lemonade so I could make more. It was a pain in the ass to make this stuff the first time. Let me explain. First you have to cut up the watermelon into little cubes (15 cups worth) and then you liquefy the watermelon in the blender. This is where I started running into the most problems. I couldn't figure out how the blender's pitcher went back together (you know, the little blade, rubber seal, and threaded base thingie). But I did it and started blended. Only, nothing was really happening even though the motor was running. All of a sudden it started smelling like something was burning. So I call Brian to see if I put the pitcher back together correctly. Of course, now he's worried I'm going to burn the house done. But I change it around to how he tells me to do it. So when I try again the same thing happens, only now it starts smoking out of the back of it. And smelling really bad! Like burned rubber! Why does everything have to be so difficult?!?! So I give up on the blender and get out my little food chopper. This thing is only like 2 inches tall so after about 136 batches of watermelon, 2.5 hours, and a HUGE mess from watermelon juice leaking out of the lid, I get that part done. All the while the kids are tracking my watermelon mess even further into other parts of the house. I never realized how sticky watermelon juice could be! Then I go to add the frozen lemonade and realize I only bought 1 can and the recipe calls for 2 cans! Oy Vey! I gave up and put the watermelon juice in the fridge. I finally got it finished Saturday after a trip to Wal-Mart. Buy hubby liked it so I guess it was all worth it.
Ashleigh called Ally Friday to see if she could spend the night with Peyton that night. Next thing I know Peyton is spending the night at my house. That Ally, you have to watch her, she is sneaky! But it was fine...until 4:00 in the morning when I hear Peyton making "fart" noises and Ashleigh laughing. Are you kidding me? I go in there and threaten their lives and have a REALLY hard time falling back asleep. But about 45 minutes later when I'm juuuust about to doze off, what do I hear? Yup, you guessed it...Peyton and Ash again! I threatened them again. Of course, Brian slept through the whole thing. And naturally, they were still awake by 7:45.
Brian's family came over for dinner on Saturday night. I made Uncle Johann's and Tante Dagmar's favorite "Andi" meal: ham, cheesy potatoes, caesar salad, and rolls. For dessert, we had strawberry shortcake. They really enjoyed it so I was happy to make it for them! I hope Kaileyanna is sleeping okay, she left her stuffed kitty over here. Addy just loved having kids over here, she has so much fun hanging out with the "big" kids. I can't say the big kids feel the same way about her when they're trying to play something and she keeps getting in the way and destroying everything in her path. Such is life!
Found out earlier that Brittany scored a 1 at the State competition today on her solo. That's the best you can get! Go Brittany! We're looking forward to her graduation party on Saturday night. That was another reason I've had a hard time sleeping, I keep having dreams that we planned something wrong on the "Not so Amazing Race" and it's driving me crazy! Hopefully I can put it out of my mind tonight.
Went to the monthly S.A.M.E. (I'll refresh your memory if you still don't habla: Society of American Military Engineers) meeting today at the Petroleum Club. Yummy lunch, as always! Should be for $25! Thank you , Ally, for watching Addy for me today during the meeting!
Ash's bottom 2 teeth still haven't fallen out but they are soooo loose! She is nervous about it, but I think she'll be okay. I got a little freaked out yesterday when I went to wiggle of them already has the permanent tooth coming in behind it. I was all ready to call the Dentist but I called RC first and she said it's very common. Thank goodness because it looks FREAKY! That tooth should push the loose one right on out any day now! I'm thinking the Tooth Fairy will give her $10 for her 1st tooth. Better put it in the budget!
Addy is growing up so fast. she just amazes me each and every day. My baby girl **sigh** is not a baby anymore. She's still very spirited but we love her so much for it. I turned my wrapping cart around so the drawers are against the wall and she can't open them to string my ribbon all through the house. Of course, she found a way! She pushes the drawer above it open to where she can reach in the back of the drawer to grab the ribbon. Smart girl. Took her about 2.3 seconds to master that. Lordy!
Brian and I celebrated our 8th Wedding Anniversary last Tuesday. I say "celebrated" but we didn't really do anything. And that was just fine with the both of us. We don't need to spend money or go out to acknowledge our Anniversary. We had a nice quiet evening with just the 4 of us.
UGH, it's 10:30 and I must start looking toward the bedroom. I'm exhausted! Have a GREAT week! Sleep Tight!


Anonymous said...

I hope her tooth/teeth fall out at my house when she spends the weekend, hahahaha. It would be awesome. And yes, the leftovers were just as good the next day ;-). I ate a sandwich and let Johann and Dagmar enjoy them. Loves ya. Momma M.

Anonymous said...

Everything will be fine with the Race you can wing it if anything goes wrong your creative. I hope the cake turns out good I hope everyone loves it.

:) J

JESSICA said...

Sweet, sweet FARTING girls. That cracked me up! ...and to think the sleepovers only get worse as they age. LOL.

The picinic was a VERY sweet thing to do with the kids.

Ash's teeth will fall out soon. Then you can get the braces talk like we did at the dentist today. (I asked because I'm so vain.)

Can't wait for Saturday...