Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pictures of the Day

Another busy for Ashleigh, speech therapy for Ashleigh, we drove Gannon to the hospital after school so he could see his sister, Nicki, who is STILL in the hospital, and of, work, work. Hopefully Nicki will be getting out of the hospital soon...her lung is still draining and she still is not needing as much as she should. I have to think that being home would help that part of the problem. Please continue to keep her and her family n your prayers!

I've spent the evening de-cluttering for the cleaning ladies tomorrow. It's pathetic that I have to do so much cleaning before the cleaning ladies can come clean. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense when I say it, but it's totally necessary...doing the dishes so they can clean the sink, put all the toys away so they can clean the floor, get everything off of counters, desks, sinks so those can be cleaned. I would say I spent the most time putting away Addy's laundry. That little girl has sooo many clothes that I don't have to do her laundry for a month. She is almost 4 months old, and I think this is only the 4th time I've done her laundry...blankets and changing table covers a little more often. I LOVE you Baby Girl!!

Onkel Johann and Tante Dagmar got into town this evening from Munich, Germany. They are Brian's Aunt and Uncle (AKA his Mom's brother and sister in law). They are the sweetest people in the world and we always enjoy it when they are here. They always spend about a month here every year. Happy, Margarete's dog, also LOVE them here because they take him everywhere! Brian went to the airport to greet them, help with their luggage, and get their rental car.

Well, I think Ashleigh has been acting out a bit lately. She has never listened as well to me as she does to Brian, but lately it has gotten worse. I'm sure it has a little something to do with having a new little sister, but we're working through it. We had a nice long talk tonight, Mother to Daughter, about listening, obeying, and always trying our hardest. I was a bit disappointed at her report card this past 6 weeks...she received several check minuses for obeying, value of time, listening, etc. She promised to try harder. This is new territory for me because most of you know how shy Ashleigh has always been. Pre-K has maybe worked out for her a little too well..that girl has REALLY come out of her shell...more like busted through it and left it in smithereens!!! One extreme to another!!

This first picture I took because of something Ashleigh said. She said, "Look Mommy, the tree is growing beautiful flowers!" This is what she was referring to:

Yes, that's a branch with some dead lives. Just goes to show you that a child can see the beauty in just about anything. Either that, or she has quite an imagination!! I LOVE you Ashleigh Shea!!

Here are a few others from our brief outside time this evening:

Baby Girl Addy LOVES to be outside!!
Yes, Ashleigh dressed herself after her main outfit today got wet. Nothing is too gaudy for that girl!Sisters and hopefully best friends!Daddy and Daddy's girl!!

Sleep Tight!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Living Life

It's been a typical Tuesday around the Linder household. Ashleigh went to school, I worked, Brian worked, and Addy ate and slept. It was an okay day, not too hectic, no deadlines, and was just another day of living life. Jessica started working for us today doing data entry. We have gotten so far behind on the started at the beginning of the year when the accountant was auditing our QuickBooks...during this time we couldn't enter any new information until they were done. Due to the amount of work it took to fix the problems in QuickBooks we couldn't enter anything for close to a this time, the amount of paperwork backed up was already overwhelming, Brian started getting real busy with work, I was back to work and very busy, so it just hasn't gotten done. Jessica wanted to help us out to get us caught up (for free no less) and we agreed, only we insist on paying her!

We had a tee-ball game tonight. Ashleigh didn't get a hit again. We really need to work with her, but there is just no time left on the schedule. But all in all the kids did really well. I think we only have 2 more games left.

I truly wish I didn't have to work so I could spend more time with the girls. Even though I am with them all the time, I am always preoccupied with work. So I'm here, but not here for them. Maybe someday things can change, I just pray they understand what their Mommy and Daddy have to do.

Oh my goodness, I'm going to be 36 years old in a couple of days! What's up with that?!?!

Here are some tidbits about me, I stole these questions from another blog:

1. What bill do you hate paying the most? Oh goodness, so many to choose from, probably my medical bills from Addy's birth...Ashleigh only cost us $10 to have, with Addy, we are well into the thousands...all because of different insurance...grrrr!!!
2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?'s been a while. Oh, our anniversary last year we stayed at the Worthington and ate dinner at Reata..VERY nice!!
3. Do you regret losing your virginity to who you lost it to? Yes and no for different reasons.
4. If you could go back and change one thing what would it be? Man, these questions are tough!! Probably to be a little nicer to my parents as a teenager.
5. Name of your second grade teacher? I remember a lot of teachers, but I am drawing a complete blank on 2nd grade!
6. What do you really want to be doing right now? Sleeping!!
7. What did you want to be when you were growing up? Pediatrician or Veterinarian
8. How many colleges did you attend? 3 - UT Austin, Tarrant County College, and UT Arlington
9. Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now? It was the least wrinkled!
11. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you where would it be? It doesn't matter where I am as long as I have my family with me.
12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? "It's already 6:00 am?!?!"
13. Last thought before going to sleep last night? "I love my bed!!"
14.What do you miss about being a child? No responsibility.
16. What errand/chore do you despise? Going grocery shopping!
17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer? I really think I would, probably part-time working with animals.
18. Get up early or sleep in? Unfortunately, I usually have to get up early but I much prefer to sleep in!!
19. What is your favorite cartoon character? Good question, I like so many!
20. Favorite thing to do at night with a girl/guy? Brian and I have our best talks at night while we're laying in bed and falling asleep.
21. Have you found real love yet? Absolutely, I'm married to him!
22. When did you start feeling old? When my body started to make creeking sounds when I get up and walk.
24. Your favorite lunch meat? Probably ham.
25. What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart? Milk
26. Beach or lake? Beach...absolutely!!
27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? No, but I understand why people do.
28. Do you own property? Yes...I sure wish we had a piece of Barnett Shale...dammit!!
29. Favorite Guilty pleasure? Eating out a lot.
30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out? I don't care who knows...Steel Magnolias...after the thousand viewings, it still makes me cry!
31. What's your drink? Not a big drinker, but I do like Kahlua and Cream
32. Cowboys or Indians? Duh...Cowboys all the way, baby!!
33. Cops or Robbers? Cops
34. Who from high school would you like to run in to? Nobody really
35. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now? Probably 96.3 KSCS
37. Grey's Anatomy or The Office? Grey's, for sure!!
38. Worst relationship mistake you wish you could take back? Taking a "break" with Brian way back when.
40. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? I would be too uncomfortable...maybe Garth Brooks, he seems down to earth.
41. Indoors or Outdoors? Both
42. Have you ever crashed your vehicle? Yes, but not my fault.
43. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? Thank goodness, no!
44. Last book you read? Some Hello Kitty book to Ashleigh
45. Do you have a teddy bear? Yes
46. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth? A campsite, I guess. That's not too strange.
47. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go? San Diego
48. Do you go to church? Not near enough
49. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? Neither!
50. How long have you been out of school? 13 years

Sleep Tight!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Good Weekend

Good Evening Everyone! I apologize to my loyal readers for being MIA for the past couple of days. Life has definitely gotten in the way lately. We had a decent weekend that started with tee-ball...that was interesting! We must have played the best team in Texas! We found out that their kids were already turning 7 and ours are just turning 5! Yes, we got our butts handed to us...on a silver platter. I think we only scored 2 runs to their 50! They were at bat for like 20 minutes at a time compared to our 30 seconds. It was pretty pathetic. The following picture says it all. This is the coaches son, Jaydon...

We went to the Rogers' house for a Potluck Party Saturday night. Jessica, the Domestic Diva, had a prize for the best dish and everything. Believe it or not my Potato Casserole tied for 1st. I thought it was pretty funny. All of the food was so good, I was surprised to be a winner! If my own husband would have voted for me, I could have taken the title all to myself...but nooo!! too funny!! Jessica is so sweet, since she didn't have a prize for both winners, I insisted she give the prize to the other girl...her sweet and sour meatballs rocked!! But of course, by 1:00 the next day there was a prize/birthday gift combo on my front porch. She really went above and beyond and I was very thankful!

I actually made breakfast on Sunday...eggs, bacon, and toast. I think I shocked the hell out of my husband. I really can't remember the last time I cooked breakfast! It turned out good.

Oh, while we were out Saturday night, RC volunteered to watch the girls...this didn't go as well as I had hoped. The Yorks had come over to play poker, Sydney had a friend spend the night, so there was a lot of stimulation over there. Apparently Addy was not too happy that we left her somewhere. She cried 80% of the time apparently realizing that Mommy nor Daddy were anywhere in sight. Poor baby was still doing the sniffle thing as we were laying her down. This was really the 1st time we left her for any length of time, I guess we need to do it a little more often to get her used to it. Ash never had this problem because she was either at RC's or Ally's since 6 weeks of age. Addy is with us 24/7 since I work at home. But now nobody is going to want to watch her knowing she will cry the whole time. What do you do?!?!

Today was such a hectic day! Busy at work meeting yet another deadline and the phones were ringing off the hook. Plus caring for the kids and Peyton. Then we had to rush out of here by 6:00 to make it to Sydney's and my Dad's piano recital. Luckily Brian made it home just in time so I wouldn't have to take Addy. Sydney did sooo good and I was VERY proud of her! She has improved so much since the last recital and that little girl is so confident when she hits the stage! Now for my Dad...for those of you who don't know, my Dad decided late in life that he wanted to play the piano..he has always wanted to play and his Mom played so beautifully. So a couple of years ago he decided it was time to start taking lessons. My Dad is currently 62 years old and he gets up there with those 5-15 years old and does his song, his hands are shaking, but he did so well. I am so incredibly proud of him for having the attitude that "old dogs can learn new tricks". His song was beautiful and he did it in Mom-Mom's honor. Congratulations, Dad and Syd!!

My daughter, Ash, insists on putting lip gloss on her eyes like eye shadow...what's up with that?

My daughter, Addy, is over 16 pounds now and almost 4 months old...what's up with that?

Thanks to all of you who read my blog, I am so glad I can keep in touch in some way with our busy lives and have an eventual book for my children to cherish at the same time.

More tee-ball tomorrow, wish us luck! Sleep Tight!

Friday, April 25, 2008

So Excited

I am so excited because today I found a website where I can publish my into a REAL book. That was my ultimate goal with starting this blog...all for the girls. I think they would love to someday read about their lives as it was being lived...and written by their Mom. I was talking to Jessica about it and we foresee an annual publishment. So excited! Anyway, the website it in case any of you are interested. It's cheap too!!

The day has been rather typical. Got a good amount of work done, though I was frustrated most of the day because people do not know how to return phone calls or emails. It is VERY difficult to put an entire procurement package together when NOBODY calls you back. Okay, I'm done venting! Thanks for listening!

Anyway, Ash didn't have school today, they were off today and again on Monday for Spring Break. They were off a week when the other schools had Spring Break, but that was considered their "Easter" break. It was nice to be able to let Addy sleep in this morning without having to wake her up to take Ash to school, without having to wake her up to walk Ash into school, without having to wake her up to put her back in the car, without having to wake her up to walk back in the house, AND THEN without having to wake her up to go pick Ash up, without having to wake her up to get out of the car to get Ash from class, without having to wake her up to put her back in the car, without having to wake her up to walk back in the house. See a trend here?!?!?!

Another tee-ball game tomorrow at noon, hopefully Ash will be alert and fully cooperating! Then Mom has a carnival at her church in Bedford. I would like to go but it starts at 10:30 and I'm not sure how late it goes to. If it's like 2:00 or 3:00 we might be able to get there in time. We'll see. Then Brian and I are going to the Rogers' house for a potluck get together. She is having prizes for the best dishes. It should be interesting. I was going to make potato salad, but someone else already is, so I think I'll go with Potato Casserole. RC is watching the girls for us. We haven't really left Addy yet for any length of time. Brittany did watch her while we went to dinner with her parents. It'll be a nice break for us.

We went to Sheridan's tonight...I hadn't been there in probably a was sooo good. I'm usually a chocolate concrete with heath bar kind of girl, but tonight I opted for a chocolate concrete with extra cookie dough. It was yummy!! Ash got chocolate with M&Ms and Brian got a chocolate malt with extra chocolate and extra malt.

This was a boring post, I'll spare you now. Have a GREAT weekend and Sleep Tight!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do You Give Up?

I am VERY sorry to disappoint my readers, I know all 3 of you were heart broken that I didn't blog last night. ESPECIALLY since I teased you the night before with the photo. Jessica and I went to the hospital to visit with Cathy and Nicki. Nicki looked really good, a bit thin, but good otherwise. She got the tube out today that was draining her right lung, so that is GREAT news. That also meant she was able to get up and walk around and even went to the playroom with her twin brother. Her Dad, Tim, told us that if she will eat normal amounts of food, she may get out of the hospital as early as tomorrow. We'll see.

Okay...the picture. Jeremy, the coach, will be so glad to hear that MOST of you guessed that his butt looked big. That just cracked me up because he is not an overly large man. I'm sure I hyped it up too much and it is more coincidental than it is funny. I would like to congratulate Meredith for figuring it out without a hint or anything. Even my own sister didn't guess it. Oh, the answer is that if you look in the background you will notice a van. That van is one of our company vans driven by none other than the owner, Mr. Brian Linder. We thought it was funny because Brian didn't know we were there, I didn't know he was there and didn't even notice him when I looked at the pictures after I uploaded them. When he was viewing them as a slide show he said, "hey, that's me" and I was like "where?" and he said right there in the van driving to my service call. What are the odds that at the exact moment I'm snapping a picture that Brian drives by in his work van and I capture it in a photograph without even realizing. You may need to enlarge the picture to see it better. I thought it was too funny.

We had a tee-ball game tonight. Well, kind of. All of the kids did coach pitch tee!! I was so proud of Ashleigh, she got a base hit every time up to bat. She didn't get to score any runs (she is so slow when she doesn't try real hard) because she kept getting out running to 2nd base. But that's okay. Cousin Brittany came with me so she could watch her play...Ash really enjoyed it!

Can I just say that I am sooo glad that I don't have to hear Sharon's little scream in the Big Brother house. Her little (actually, it's quite loud and obnoxious) scream ANNOYED the hell out of me...ask Brian, I literally cringed every time she did it (which was like every 3.5 seconds). I may have liked her if it wasn't for that!! It's down to Ryan and Adam...Go Ryan!!

It's been busy as ever with my job...enough said!

I guess that's about it for now, I can't believe it's 11:20 already. The days really need to be about 3-4 hours longer. Then maybe, just maybe I would get everything done that I need to get done! Sleep Tight!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Too Weird

Okay, I hate to disappoint my readers, but I'm not AT ALL in the mood to blog much tonight. It has been one of those days. But I had to share this with you...I uploaded the photos from tee-ball practice tonight and as Brian was looking at them via slide show, he noticed something very funny...see if you pick it out...I think the odds have got to be pretty slim!! Let me know if you think you figured it out. I'm still cracking up about it! Anyway, Ash was such a brat tonight at the beginning of practice, she just wouldn't listen or cooperate. I wanted to scream and pull my hair out, but then I realized my hormones are pulling my hair out for me, and I shouldn't make it go faster to baldness. UPDATE ON HAIR: YES, STILL FALLING OUT IN CLUMPS. YES, BRIAN IS TIRED OF CLEANING OUT THE DRAIN. YES, IT IS DUE TO MY MILK DRYING UP. But Ash acted a little better toward the end when I threatened her to never get a snack ever again. Anyway, that's all you get tonight, but I'll add a few more pics. Sleep Tight!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hum-Drum Monday

I really don't have anything to blog about tonight, it was a pretty boring day. I took Ash to school, worked, picked Ash up from school, worked, went Bosses Pizza with the Harris' and the Yorks, came home, gave Ash a bath, gave Addy a bath, now I'm pumping and blogging. Pretty uneventful.

Nicki is still in the hospital on the road to recovery. Her Mom told me she is having ups and downs but that she'll be fine. Gannon, her twin brother, went back to school today to try to establish some normalcy for him. I think that is the best thing for him right now. I hope to go visit Nicki some time this week. Jessica and I were going to go tonight, but Nicki had some Morphine and fell asleep. They are now trying to ween her off of the Morphine slowly so she doesn't become dependent on it. I think she just had 1 dose today.

We have a lot of tee-ball in the coming week...practice tomorrow and then 4 games within a 7-day period. should be interesting! Hopefully the kids learn a lot in this time and not lose focus from being too tired. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, I know this was boring, so I'll post some pictures. Sleep Tight!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Working Sunday

I very much wanted to just spend family time together today. I just couldn't make it happen. I didn't get near as much work done as I needed to on Friday, so I had to make up some hours today. Well, that lead to about 9 hours in front of the computer. I'm still not done with my current project, it's due close of business tomorrow, so hopefully I can get it done. All I have left is the cost estimate, and it ALWAYS takes me the longest...grrrr!! Maybe next weekend we can have family time. My poor children are the victims of our work schedules. Brian did go outside with Ash for a while today, but he ultimately had to do some work today too.

Ashleigh did say something funny today to Brian...Brian was sitting in his office chair and Ash came up to him, shook his belly, and said "Daddy, your belly shakes because you ate too much", I just started cracking up because Brian just looked up at me and said, "you're gonna blog about this, aren't you?"...sorry, Dear, I couldn't resist!! Then Ash said "your belly shakes like this" as she is jumping up and down and shaking all about. Kids can be brutally honest!! No, Brian, you ARE NOT fat!!

Well, little Nicki from Ash's pre-K class had to have surgery today to insert a tube in her lung to drain fluid due to very severe pneumonia. She is on the road to recovery but her Mom, Cathy, called me this evening and they are saying she will probably be in the hospital upwards of 12 days and has 3 weeks of recovery beyond that. Please pray for her and her family.

That's about it for tonight, I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already...I'm still sooo tired from last week. You all have a GREAT week and sleep tight! Enjoy the photos.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tee-Ball & Poker

I don't have a whole lot to report today. We had a tee-ball game this morning at 10:30, Ashleigh got to play pitcher again...Thank You Jessica and Jeremy!! It was a great day for her to play pitcher because we had lots of fans today. Oma (Brian's Mom, Margarete), RC, Kevin, Ally, Sydney, and Peyton. Ash was so excited they were there, so much so that she was a little distracted from her game. I kind of figured that would happen so what do you do?!?!

We were supposed to go to Nicki and Gannon's (they are twins in Ash's pre-K and on the tee-ball team) but unfortunately Nicki has fallen ill, quite seriously, so the party was cancelled. I feel so bad for them because I know they were looking forward to going to Putt-Putt for their birthday and the other kids were looking forward to celebrating with them. I just pray Nicki will feel better real soon!!

We went to the York's house for poker tonight. We haven't played in a while and it was a lot of fun. I can't remember what was so funny, but I had several of my "unable to talk" laughing fits. I won about $20, but Brian didn't fare so well...we probably still ended up ahead a little.

Let me tell you a little about the York's pets. First of all, whenever I bring up Chloe's name to Brian, he says "I thought she died". OMG Brian, she is not dead!! It cracks me up. I have no idea what breed Chloe is, probably a mix of about 12 different things. She 16 years old, has 1 tooth left, her hair is falling out, runs into walls, can't control her bladder, blind, deaf, and apparently when she is walking she'll seize up, go stiff, walk a little, seize up, walk a little...too weird!!! God bless Chloe, she has been a good pet to them. Now Murray, the Golden Retriever...Murray literally showed up on their door step one day with a chow. They tried to find the owners to no avail. They decided to keep the Golden. When they first got Murray, they brought him over to our house and what is the 1st thing he does? Lifts his leg and pees ALL over Brian's big screen TV...he has been banned from our house ever since...that was like 5 years ago!! Murray, this 100+ dog is SCARED to death of getting a drink of water out of his water bowl. It's the kind with the jug on top, so when he drinks, it sometimes "bubbles" up in the jug, and he backs away from it. For months, he wouldn't even drink out if it. Murray is also scared of thunderstorms...he LITERALLY destroys their house. If he is home by himself when a storm rolls through, he claws at the door until he draws blood and has the molding completely off the wall. Murray drools constantly. Murray likes to swim. We first discovered this at my Dad's pool when we were all swimming and here comes Murray, strolling down the steps into the pool, does a little lap and strolls back out. The problem with Murray enjoying the occasional swim is that he doesn't care if it's 100 degrees or 20 degrees...and when he shakes it off, we ALL get wet!! Then there is the cat, Milo....oh, Milo...they must REALLY love this cat. Actually, I'm pretty sure Steve will make this cat disappear without Ally's consent. Milo likes to pee, he likes to pee A LOT and on everything. I'm sure you know how lethal cat pee is. And he does it on beds, piles of clothes (clean or dirty, he doesn't discriminate), toys, rugs, it just doesn't matter, he does it everywhere...oh, and Milo has a crooked, broken, deformed tail. Plus he can eat his weight and food and he is literally skin and bones. Now, most of you know how much of an animal lover I am....including Ally's pets, but these animals crack me up and God bless Ally and Steve for putting up with them!! Just too funny!!

Time for bed, SLEEP TIGHT!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Donuts With Dad

So the day started out with Ash being soo excited about Donuts with Dad. This is a cute little thing they do in pre-K for Father's Day...They are not in school during Father's Day so they do it in April. Brian came home with the cutest little gifts. One of them I scanned and attached to this posting. I thought it was so adorable, I scanned the front and the back. I'm going to put one of my sticky magnets on it and put it on the fridge. I think Ashleigh looks so much older in it, it's kind of scary. But too cute not to have it hanging somewhere. Then they had some stuff hanging up where the kids were answering questions about their Dad. Here is what Ash had to say about her Dad:

What is your Daddy's name? Daddy
How old is your Daddy? 76
What do you love most about your Daddy? That he wakes me up in the morning
What does your Daddy do for a living? Makes things with Mark and Greg
How much does your Daddy weigh? 2 pounds
What is your Daddy's favorite food? Pizza

He thinks there may have been another question, but he can't remember. I love the age and weight question, just too funny!! There were also some cute pictures they made and a card that made me cry. Oh boy, just wait until Muffins With Mom in May...I have a feeling all of the Mom's will be bawling...the men were too embarrassed to show their emotions, the women I think will be unable to control them...such a difference between men and women!!

Then we had Ash's ARD IEP meeting at the elementary school where she has her speech therapy. It stands for Admission, Review, & Dismissal Individualized Education Program. Basically it is a required meeting we have to have once a year where we learn the fate of her speech therapy for the following year. Ash WILL be going to speech next year. Though, we learned she has met ALL of her goals except one, and that is the articulation of age appropriate sounds, like l, r, th, etc. I am more than happy for her to continue speech next year because I feel she could not get too much can only help her be a better speaker and articulater. Plus, since she starts kindergarten next fall, I don't have to take her to speech anymore, they just pull her out of class for it. It's only 30 minutes per week.

Ash and Jaydon had their regularly scheduled "play date" today, so Jessica picked them both up from school. Apparently they had a GREAT time and even behaved pretty well. Jessica is learning how annoying it can be to listen to Ash ask for a snack every 5 seconds!! She did a little better today telling her no with the snacks, though she did give in on a few cookies and chocolate milk :) but one snack is okay.

Then we met Jessica, Jeremy, and kids at Shady Oak BBQ to make the exchange. We enjoyed a great meal and great company with the Rogers' family. Of course, Ash asked if she could go back home with them..."No, Ash, you may not MOVE IN with the Rogers' Family"!! Man, they must think we are so mean to her to make her not want to come home. But then she made me feel better when we were walking to the car and she reminded me that "I am her best friend". It's amazing how Ash controls my emotions.

Tomorrow morning we have tee-ball...we'll have lots of fans at tomorrow's game. Nobody has come to any game yet, but tomorrow they are all coming to the same one. Too funny. Hopefully Ash will be on top of her game!! Oh but wait, she doesn't really have "game" yet...let me re-phrase, hopefully she won't embarrass us, cry, walk the bases, or completely refuse to participate in the game!! hehehe!!! Let's just hope she has fun regardless of how she plays!!

Sleep Tight!

Video Clip

Here is a little video from last night before the storms and sirens came...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thunderstorm Thursday

My Dallas friends are probably getting hammered right about now. We had it about 1 1/2 hours ago with tornado sirens and the whole works. I was prepared with flashlights, etc in our safe room "the kid's bathroom" just in case. Spring time in Texas usually means beautiful flowers, sunny days, strolls in the park, and CRAZY SCARY SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. You can't live around here if you don't think thunderstorms are a pretty cool thing. Of course, Ashleigh is a young Texan, so she is still striving to reach that status. She was trying so hard to be brave (by talking a hundred miles an hour and asking questions that made NO sense whatsoever). But when Daddy FINALLY made it home from the store, she lost it and started crying. She tried to cover it up by saying, "I was scared you didn't have your jacket". It was just too cute! Anyway, we fared pretty good, we only had pea sized hail. To the west of us they had tennis ball sized hail.

It was a fairly uneventful day here. The most important thing was that the cleaning ladies came and my house is now clean...hallelujah!!! I was SOOO tired of the dog hair on the floor...of course, tomorrow I will start noticing it all over again...another fun thing to look forward to in the Spring in Texas...the dogs start shedding...grrr!!! Time to go to the groomer again to have them shaved!! Many of you might be saying "how lucky she is to have a cleaning crew" or "man, why can't she clean her own house?" Well, I hope nobody thinks negatively, it's the best $75 I could possibly spend and it's only every 2 weeks. As it is, there is not enough time in the day to care for the kids, do my job, laundry, homework, cook dinner, de-clutter, constant picking up of toys, etc. So be it!!! I think you should all get one!!

I made beef enchiladas for dinner and they were sooo good!! It's one of the few things I cook that Ash will actually eat. It may only be a few bites, but I'll take it!! Poor girl, on any given night when she finds out I'm cooking, she gets so upset. But she does like my mashed potatoes too.

Oh man, Brian just put on the "Deadliest Catch". I was just about to put on last night's "Big Brother After Dark"...I was dying to see what the house guests were going to say about Natalie's eviction during the live show last night. Oh well, I like this show too. I'll probably take sleep though.

Sleep Tight!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just Another Wednesday

It's been a rather uneventful day. Take Ash to school, work a few hours, pick Ash up from school, eat lunch, work a few more hours, take Ash to speech, work a few more hours, go to Moni's for dinner (with our award winning Chili Cook-Off gift certificate...sorry Kevin), de-clutter the house for cleaning ladies tomorrow, Brian gave Ash a bath, I gave Addy a bath, and now Brian is watching "Most Shocking" while "I blog.

So Brian tells me he wants another tattoo, but I can't tell if he is being serious. If you don't already know, Brian was a Marine and has a "Semper Fidelis" tattoo on his right arm with a sword with "USMC" on top of it. I really think that is 1 tattoo too many, but they make him happy. He supposedly wants this other tattoo on his other arm and wants to get my name and our girls' names. Most of you know Brian...he is a big time jokester and it is sooo hard to tell when he is joking!! And what makes it worse, he never lets you in on the joke, he'll keep you going for months...grrrr, most of the time I can tell when he is joking, but he still won't tell me the alternative. I'll have to keep you posted on this one, he is supposedly going on Friday with his sister Katie, I think.

Not much to report, so I'll just post a few pictures.

The first one is how Addy always ends up after desperately trying to roll over...poor baby wears herself out!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Love You In My Heart...

So kids REALLY do say the darnedest things. I actually wrote this one down and I think I will start writing them down more often so I can document them for my, they are so random that if I don't write them down I won't remember the exact way she said it. So today it was nap time, and Ash usually tries to procrastinate in some she said, "Mommy, I love you in my heart if you see a cow and have M&Ms and Skittles. Then you can bring them to my birthday party, okay?" You think my daughter was a little tired? Or maybe she just REALLY loves me sooo much she can't express it strong enough? Or maybe she just needed a sugar fix? Probably the latter. ha! She just cracks me up!!

We had a tee-ball game tonight and the kids did pretty's hard on them on weekday nights because they start getting tired and unfocused, but all in all, they did pretty good. You can definitely tell they are improving.

Our air conditioning business is definitely picking up...thank goodness!! Brian has some people working for him, but he, himself, has to wear too many hats...he does estimates, mans the phones, does the paperwork, keeps up with the money comings and goings, is on-call for work that his employees are too busy to handle, and the list goes on. He really does the job of about 3 least. Some thing is going to have to give and I feel so terrible that I can't help him out anymore. Between my own job and caring for our children, I am overwhelmed too. It takes me about 12 hours to get in my 8 hour day. My job is very important to our lifestyle, and until the a/c business gets more stable and we get a few more years under our belt, I have to keep my job. And I can't complain because I am sooo blessed to be able to work at home 95% of the time and care for my children at the same time. I REALLY am sooo proud of Brian for the incredible job he does running our business. His customers love him and he genuinely does what's in the best interest of his customers. With time, I really believe all of our hard work will pay off. I just hope our children don't feel the sacrifice.

Deena made it home from Ireland okay and they had a GREAT time...Welcome Home Deena and Kevin!!

I'll have to post photos tomorrow, both batteries are dead and it won't let me upload...sorry!

Sleep Tight!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Which is Which?

Well, I have said it a number of times, my daughters look so much alike that I'm afraid 10 years from now I won't remember who is who in the baby pictures. I'm sure as they grow up they will develop their unique traits, but for's too weird! What do you think? And can you tell who is who?

I'll post more tomorrow, but for now I am heading to bed, I've been struggling to keep my eyes open all day. Brian did make it home okay, and we were so glad to see him.

Sleep Tight!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunny Sunday

It was a pretty uneventful Sunday. It was pretty nice out and ALL of the car washes were jammed packed all weekend. My car needs a cleaning inside and out, but I think I would have been in line for hours.

I spent most of the day organizing photos from my hard drive and camera. It was a much larger job than I had anticipated...pretty much all of 2007 needed to be done. My system is to put a group of pictures on a CD and then print a contact sheet with all of those photos on it, then stick the CD and the contact sheet into a 3-ring binder. I've learned my lesson!! Thank you Dad for the fail proof system!! Now that I'm organized to date, I have to get all of the photos printed...that should be a small fortune with as many as I have! Which means I'll need more photo albums also. Since we LOVE our new camera so much, I'm quite sure I could fill a small room with all the pictures we have been taking. Our children will not be able to say their childhood was not well documented.

Brian should be landing at Love Field any minute if he hasn't already. Ash was bummed because she thought she would get to see him before she went to bed. But I promised her he would wake her up in the morning. Though, she's gotten up to go to the bathroom more than she ever has...I'm kind of thinking she's determined to see him tonight!!

I don't have a lot to blog about tonight, and if you're reading this, I'm pretty sure your life is just as boring as mine. But hopefully, happily boring, like mine! I hope you all had a GREAT weekend and I pray that Deena made it home from Ireland okay and that they had a vacation they will never forget. Came across the following today as I was figuring out what was on some've probably seen it, but I think all of us Mother's like to read it often because it is so true...Sleep Tight!
Before I was a Mom -
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed.
I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.
Before I was a Mom - I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom - I had never been puked on. Pooped on. Spit on. Chewed on. Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom - I never held down a screaming child So that doctors could do tests or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom - I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom - I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom - I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.
And before I was a Grandma, I didn't know that all those "Mom" feelings more than doubled when you see that little bundle being held by 'your' baby...

My Little Princess...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

All About The Kids

Today was a hectic day from the get go. We all slept in a little, well, 8:00 for Ash is sleeping in, but I'll take it! Addy slept 12.5 hours!! But of course we were in high speed mode to get out the door. Dropped Ash off at Jessica's so they could take her to tee-ball with them since I had a hair appointment and knew I wouldn't get back in time for the start of the game...thank you Jessica and Jeremy!! I went to Tina's to get my hair done, Brian wanted me to get it lighter, but I'm afraid he's going to be disappointed...I'm just not a "lighter" kind of gal. I may get my "sun kissed" highlights next round since it will be summer, he'll like that. Rushed from Tina's to the tee-ball game, unfortunately I missed the 1st 30 minutes, but the kids did really great. Ashleigh got to "play" pitcher...they don't really get to pitch, but they get to stand on the mound, and Ash must have liked it because she actually ran after balls...that's my girl!! She did have a lazy moment of walking from 1st to 2nd base, but she stepped it up after that.

After the tee-ball game a bunch of us went to Chili's for lunch. It was a lot of fun and the kids really enjoy spending time together, and of course, the food was delicious. The kids got balloon animals from a guy wearing a button that said "I work for tips" who kind of guilted us into the balloons, but whatever, the kids liked it. Cathy and Tim are so sweet, they bought us all lunch despite my begging to ppplllleeaaasseee take my $20...thank you Cathy and Tim!!
Then I volunteered to watch Jessica's and Cathy's kids so they could all go out on dates with their husbands. Those kids played so hard from 6:00 until like 10:30 and had a great time. And they ate like there was no tomorrow, my gosh, I don't know where they put it all!! I was literally in shock to see the amount of food these little body's were consuming. I think they were all trying to "one up" the others...too funny!

I've talked to Brian a couple of times today and he seems to be having a good time in Kansas City with his family. I'm sure I'll hear about all of the drama when he gets home, there's bound to be some.

Tomorrow I plan on sleeping in, well, as much as my children will allow, and then just relaxing all day. I want to get my pictures organized and saved to CDs before I delete them off of the camera. I am very paranoid because a few years ago our computer crashed and I lost so many pictures, including many "firsts" of Ashleigh...specifically Christmas and Easter and everything in between. I was devastated and will not make that mistake again of only having them on my hard drive.

Ally had an Open House today, I wonder how it went??? She hasn't called me back from my message after tee-ball.

Well, I'm pooped, I think I'll go watch a little "Big Brother After Dark" and relax a bit. Enjoy the pictures from today and sleep tight!
From left to right, this is Gannon, Ash, Nicki, and Jaydon (Gannon & Nicki are twins)

Friday, April 11, 2008


Brian left for Kansas City this afternoon to visit his family up there. He traveled with his Mom (Margarete), his younger sister (Katie), and her two kids (Kaileyanna and Tekoa). They are staying with his older sister (Tracy) and her two kids (Bria and Tanner). There is so little time while he is there, as they are leaving Sunday. But he will see his half-sister (Jessica) and her Mom (Kim). And will also see his Dad (Cliff, Jr) and his grandfather (Cliff, Sr). I'm sure he'll see other family and friends if time will allow it. I already miss him and Ash is already asking when Daddy will be home.

It's been very quiet around the house this evening, which has been kind of nice. I laid Ashleigh down at 8:15 because she was sooo exhausted from playing very hard with her friend, Jaydon. Jessica and I agreed that we would let them have play dates on Fridays because it is good for both of them...but they play hard!!! Addy fell asleep in my arms around 9:15 after a nice warm, lavender bath and a nursing with a warm top off of formula. I NEVER let her fall asleep while I am holding her, but I just couldn't resist tonight. She was so peaceful and cuddly.

You might be asking yourself "why doesn't she usually let Addy fall asleep in her arms?" And the answer is "because I don't want to be rocking a 40 pounder to sleep later on". We've just always put our girls to sleep awake, it really helps them to be able to sooth themselves and to put themselves to sleep. It's not easy at first, but pays dividends in a very short amount of time.

Tomorrow should prove itself to be a hectic day...I have a hair appointment and Ash has a tee-ball game. Plus it's never easy being Mommy and Daddy for a whole weekend. But we'll be fine. It just always feels weird having that big ol' king size bed to myself.

Once again, it's already 11:30...Ash has a 3 hour head start on me, and Addy has a 2 hour head start...I better get movin'!!

Oh, Brian just called...they made it in safe and sound. Let's pray for his sanity this weekend, he's surrounded by a bunch of women...but really, how is that different from any other day?!?! Poor Brian. I'm sure all 3 of his sisters will torture him this weekend...that's okay, it's good for him every now and then.

Sleep tight, and enjoy this picture from a couple of weeks ago. Ahhh, my sweet baby girl!

Addy Update: 11 hours last night...Hallelujah!!

Happy Birthday

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to one of my best friends, Alma. Her birthday is April 9th. Happy Birthday, Alma, thank you for being such a dear friend!!

Also, Addy turned 3 months old yesterday, on the goodness, how time flies. Happy 3 months my sweet baby girl!!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Exhausting Day

Wow, what a day! For the 2nd night in a row thunderstorms decided it would be a GREAT idea to invade in the middle of the night and wake us up. Some of you haven't experienced a Texas thunderstorm and it is wild! I seriously thought the house was going to blow away and there was not a tornado nearby. It took us forever to get Ashleigh to school this morning...all of the stop lights were out and along the way there were TONS of trees up-rooted, laying across the road, on top of cars, on power lines, etc. The number of fences that were down were numerous and there were even businesses with their huge signs on the ground. My biggest pet peeve in all of this??? People REALLY need to re-qualify for their driving test each year because don't they know when a traffic signal has no power that you treat the intersection like a stop sign?!?! People are such idiots and just think they have the right away...well, when two people going opposite directions both think that way...BAM!! Not a pretty sight!!

Anyway, after taking Ashleigh to school, Brian and I went on to the CPA to finalize our tax return...that's FINALLY a load off of my mind!!

So last night, I guess Addy got awoken by the thunderstorms and thought it would be a good time to eat...when I realized at about 4:00 am she wasn't taking no for an answer, I go ahead and get up and nurse her. Lizzy, our cat, always goes with me when Addy needs to be fed in the middle of the night. To give you a little background, our house is all tile and wood flooring (well, wood laminate) except for one room...the nursery, so the cat LOVES the nursery. So I lay Addy back down around 4:40 or so and try to get Lizzy out. You see, she won't come when called, but if you shut the door she will wait for you to get back in bed and then decide she wants out and starts scratching at the door...loud enough to make me run so she doesn't wake Addy back up. We had the same problem when Ashleigh was a baby. So we go through that routine, and then Shasta (our big dog) decides it would be a good time to try to kill me. More background...Shasta is a titty-baby, especially during thunderstorms. She usually stays on her bed, but not when it's sprinkling, much less storms like last night. So on my way back to bed the 2nd time, she is laying right across my path, and I didn't see her because it was pitch black. More background...I was borrowing Ashleigh's Hello Kitty nightlight for night feeds so I don't kill myself, but she decided she didn't want to share anymore...fine Ashleigh, Addy doesn't wake up much anymore in the middle of the night...boy, was I wrong!! Anyway, I didn't fall down, but I'm shocked the whole house wasn't awoken by my potty mouth that spontaneously flew out of mouth as I was slamming myself into our dresser. Damn DOG!!!

We had meatball subs with provolone cheese, macaroni and cheese, and green beans for dinner. I made Ash chicken nuggets as I knew she would not go near a meatball. It was pretty good.

I'm attaching an article/picture that I came across today as I'm looking through our very local newspaper (serves Saginaw and a few surrounding cities)...I am not AT ALL thrilled with the picture or the fact that my very own sister (who organized the event) submitted it in the first place. Had I thought there was even a remote chance that I would win this Chili Cook off when I don't even make chili, I might have made myself a little more presentable. You can tell it was late, and I was beat. And did I mention that Weight Watchers is in my near future? Let's move on...

Addy has been sooo cranky today...I can't blame her though because she has been so constipated today, she literally screams in agony when she tries to have a bowel movement. I think it is because her diet is increased in formula and less of breast milk. Poor baby, I felt so helpless! Any suggestions from any of you? If it continues tomorrow, I will call the doctor to see what he thinks would be best to do or to give her. It breaks my heart to see her in so much pain and I feel like it's my fault since my milk supply is depleting.

Tee-Ball was cancelled tonight due to the fields being too wet. That's okay, there's another game on Saturday.

Late again, sleep tight!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


It's a scary thought but I sent out my blog link to everyone today so that you all can keep in touch. Now I can't talk bad about any of you anymore, ha! No, seriously, I am excited that hopefully this will lead to keeping in touch with those of you that we don't get to see very often.

It's been a typical day around here, though, the weather has been yucky all day. It's been so nice lately in the 70s and 80s, but today it was rainy with temps starting out in the 50s and barely getting out of the 60s. I know I'm spoiled, but I need the sun!! Wednesdays are a little different for us...Ashleigh goes to pre-K at a private christian school so on Wednesdays the kiddos have to wear a uniform because they go to chapel. Also, she goes to speech therapy. Speaking of which, I am so very proud of her, she has become such a good little speaker!! We have a meeting next week to discuss whether she will continue speech next school year. I don't know how familiar most of you are with Ashleigh's "ear" issues, so I guess I'll fill you in now, here we go: When Ashleigh was 2 years old, her "parent's day out" teacher told us that she didn't think Ash spoke as well as she should be and said she thinks it's due to not hearing well. "Really, my little girl is not developing properly?" But after listening to her we realized her teacher might be right. This was also coinciding with MANY ear infections. Finally, her pediatrician agreed, too many ear infections, so we were sent to an ENT. After being tested, we found out she had constant fluid in her ears and she failed her hearing exam. They suggested she get tubes which requires surgery. I was soooo scared at the thought of this, but once we did it, I couldn't believe how easy it was. Brian and I sat in the waiting room and they literally called us back 10 minutes over, tubes in, good to go. No more ear infections since. BBBBUUUUTTTT, she has had other issues. July 4th last year, she jumped in the pool at my Dad's and came up screaming with blood coming out of her ears. To the emergency room we go. She had a severe rupture...not just a hole, but the whole drum was shredded. The ER doc gave us some pain meds and told us to go back to the ENT and suggested she would for sure have to have surgery to patch it. ENT said yes, it is a VERY bad rupture, but lets monitor it before heading to surgery. And by the way, failed yet another hearing test in that ear. Oy, here we go again! We have gone back every 3 months since, and her rupture is slowly healing but is still not completely healed yet...her last hearing exam in January was almost passing. If she plateaus with no more healing then they will do surgery, but her doc is optimistic. Anyway, she is VERY protective of her ears, her constant fluid caused her to hear everything like she was under water and so that is how she spoke. We are on the road to recovery and in the end, all of the doctor appointments, speech, etc will be worth it!!

Went to Wal-Mart tonight to get some groceries...I swear I can't leave that place for under $'s so ridiculous. But at least they weren't busy and check out was a breeze.

UUGGHH, it's 11:15 already and I still need to switch the laundry and do my 2 hour trek to the bed...maybe I can fore go all the usual obstacles between me and an extra hour of sleep and just go to bed...unlikely, but I'll try!!

Addy update: 9 hours last night, and 6 the night before, keep you posted!

Sleep Tight!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Just Another Day

The day started out rushed as usual. We are always in high speed trying to get Ashleigh to school on time. Luckily, Brian had an 8:00 appointment at the house, so I was able to leave Addy at home while I took her...that speeds me up a tad. Then I had a real nice, funny conversation with two of the other Mom's, Jessica and Cathy. Those women crack me up with their stories. I get back in the car and I have 2 missed calls from Brian..."where are you?" On my way home..."Did you forget I have a 9:00 appointment at the shop?" (it's in Haslet and it's now like 8:55), Oh crap, I sure did!! Of course I-35 was backed up to go north and I didn't realize it until it was too late. Anyway, Brian wasn't too happy with me, but he has since gotten over it. I felt really bad...thank goodness his appointment wasn't with a customer and just with a potential employee.

Typical day at work...last minute deadlines. In fact I have one for noon tomorrow, it will be close.
After dinner tonight we went outside for a little while so Ashleigh could ride her bike. We are fortunate to live in a cul-de-sac and it makes me feel safer about Ashleigh riding her bike. We walked to the end of the street with her while she pedaled away. I'm attaching a few pictures. Addy just loves taking a stroll outside, she is so alert and just takes in all that is going in around her, but as you can see in one of the pictures, it does wear her out!

Enjoy the pictures and sleep well!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Oh, Addyson

Well, my precious little baby girl is confusing me. She is all over the place when it comes to how long she sleeps at night. Just when I think we have a little consistency she changes once again. Her most consistent streak was 6 hours then all of a sudden 8 hours for 4 days in a row, then bamm...8 hours for 4 days in a row, then 1 night of 10, back to 6, another 8, a 6, etc, etc. Saturday night she did 12.5 hours...a record for her, then last night...a dreaded 6 hours...grrr!! What's a girl to do? I guess I have to be patient. I am so spoiled from Ashleigh since she was sleeping 8 hours by 4 weeks and never looked back. I hate to complain because I know I am still lucky as far as sleeping goes, but still!!!

Today was a pretty easy day at work, that's because ANOTHER one of my projects got put on hold...what is the deal with that? That's the 3rd one in the past 2 weeks. I think the rest of the week will be busy though. I'm hoping no last minute deadlines though, but that is wishful thinking on my part.

I made spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and green beans for dinner. It was yummy, but of course since it wasn't chicken nuggets, my daughter only had a few green beans and a couple bites of bread. I don't think she even touched her spaghetti because it wasn't "white" as she calls it, AKA alfredo. So frustrating!!

After dinner Ashleigh, Addy, and I went for a little was so nice out but Ashleigh needed a bath so we only walked for about 15 minutes. Brian had to go collect payment on the changeout his guys did today, he left right after dinner...HE'S STILL NOT HOME!! He's helping the guys finish up and it's just taking longer than expected. They need to finish tonight because there is another one tomorrow. OY!!! Keep the changeouts rolling in, we need them!!

My goodness, as hard as I try I just can't get in bed before 11:00. It's already 10:20 and I still have to finish pumping, and then the million things I find that needs to be done between the living room and the bedroom, and that's only about 20 feet away. It's amazing how long it takes me to actually go to bed once I start heading that way...I think all of us Mom's have that same problem!!

Both girls are bathed and in bed so I guess I'll start my 2 hour journey that direction.

Sleep Well!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Nice Sunday

Overall, it was a nice day. The weather was beautiful, and I got to do a little shopping at the mall, which I haven't done in months. Ashleigh went with Daddy to Arlington to finish his honey-do lists. She had fun because she got to spend some time with her cousins, Kaileyanna and Tekoa. While they were gone, Addy and I went to Ridgmar Mall. I didn't want to go to Northeast Mall because of the NASCAR race, I was worried I would hit traffic on the way home. Anyway, I went to Children's Place because Ashleigh needs summer clothes, and I bought Addy one dress I couldn't refuse...not that she needed it since we have hand-me-downs coming out of our ears. Then we went to Sunglass Hut because Brian's sunglasses broke...he LOVES his Oakley's, and he had actually had this pair for several years...which is a miracle because before that he went through a pair every few months. Then we went to Bath and Body Works where I spent the gift card Brian got me for Christmas. And we ended our shopping trip at Old Navy so I could get my annual supply of flip flops. Not that I'll be wearing them anytime before getting a's been a long, cold winter, and my feet can prove it!! Addyson did good, I only had to stop once to feed her a little. It was her very 1st trip to the mall and she was getting a little over-stimulated toward the end. But all in all, a good trip. I spent WAY too long on the computer today trying to figure out how to get this darn tee-ball clip on my blog. I paid for and downloaded 2 different types of software to convert DVD files to .mpg...our camcorder records directly to DVD, and the website that gets the videos on your blog doesn't recognize those DVD files, so they must be converted...grrr!!! The 1st one I paid for would only convert the whole DVD and wouldn't let you do just certain clips or chapters. The 2nd one I found let me pick. The 1st one had a money back guarantee, and I already requested my money back, so hopefully it won't be a problem. $29 down the drain if it is a problem. Oh well, we'll see.

Brian practiced some tee-ball with Ashleigh today...hopefully she is improving because she really needs it. In any event, I know they had fun, those two have a ball when they get the chance.

I never got the chance to clean out my car, it needs it so badly, and I can't stand for there to be "stuff" in my car. I only like people and a box of Kleenex in my car, and right now it looks like a toy box...ugghh!! Maybe one day this week.

Well, I think that is all I have for you for now, I hope you enjoy the clip of Ashleigh's 1st hit as a tee-ball player. Have a GREAT week ahead!!


Saturday, April 5, 2008

What a Day...

What a day...started out very early at the garage sale again. Was there a little while before coming home, getting Addy up and ready while Brian gave Ash a bath to get ready for tee-ball practice. I dropped Addy off at the garage sale for the family to watch her while I took Ashleigh to tee-ball, while Brian went to Arlington to do "honey-do" lists for both his Mom and his sister...they are both single, so Brian tries to help them out with household stuff when he can. Ashleigh behaved so badly at tee-ball...she wouldn't listen to her coaches or me. She only walked the bases when she should have been running and was just generally cranky. I hate it when she acts like that, I never know how to "handle it" when in front of all the other kids and parents. I wanted to spank her right there, but didn't want to embarrass her. She has had a decent nap since and behaved a little better afterwards.

Brian and Kevin had a bet going who could lose the most weight, by percentage, by March 30th. They both started out so strong, going to the gym, 24 hour Fitness, as much as twice a day, every day. Brian was really doing good and beating Kevin. I don't know what happened, but Brian fell off the wagon and conceded the loss. Well,l tonight he had to pay up and he had to take him to Saltgrass. So me, Brian, Kevin, and RC went. Brittany babysat for us (thank goodness because I needed a break from Ashleigh). It was sooo delicious and a good time. Today was the first time I have left Addy with anyone for any length of time. It was kind of nice, but it felt weird without her. I'm relieved I didn't bring her to tee-ball, because it was difficult enough just dealing with Ashleigh! Anyway, I am stuffed right now. As usual, I ate too much! Weight Watchers is really calling my name, and I need to get back on program...I just don't feel like it :)

Oh, the garage sale...I only made $107...sooo not worth the trouble! We spent a lot more than that on dinner. We'll see how desperate I am next year...

Brian has to go back to Arlington tomorrow to finish his lists and he is itching to get a motorcycle ride in...poor guy...never enough time in the day! Plus he wants to practice tee-ball with Ashleigh (she needs it desperately) and Kevin asked him to come help with installing some electricity so he can run some lighting to his new flag pole...OY!! I hope to sleep in...hopefully Addy will let me. If not, a nap will be in my future...I am just so tired. Though, I have found time to blog because I now do it while I am pumping, I just use Brian's laptop. It just makes it hard to post pictures...I'll have to do that on my computer since that's where I upload all of the pictures.

Well, I'm starting to feel the affects of pumping too long so I better shut this down. Have a GREAT Sunday tomorrow...I hope to at least clean out the inside of my car...all of a sudden there is stuff everywhere in it.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Exciting Friday Night

Well, here it is, a Friday night, and I'm pumping my milk and blogging...what a life!! It's a bit boring around here, but I wouldn't change a thing. Actually, I was hoping to go to the Silent Auction at Glenview Christian School, Ashleigh's pre-K, but Brian didn't get home until 8:45 and I didn't think it would be too fun with or for the girls. I put our classes baskets together, so I wanted to see how they did in the auction. They turned out really cute! I guess I'll just find out Monday and at least I didn't spend any money, because I would have if I did go! Jessica was going to go with me, but she lucked out ;)

Not a great start to this garage sale...I think I made like $58 today...sooo not worth my time. But it was a freaky cold windy day, so maybe tomorrow will be better...we'll see! I already told RC if I don't at least crack $100, I'm not going to the trouble anymore...but really, I should make it $200!! Oh well, what ever doesn't sell will be going to least my house is a little lighter. So up at the butt crack of dawn again tomorrow...ggrrr!! At least I'll get to leave for a little while for Ashleigh's tee-ball practice...this was an added practice if that tells you how good our kids are...hehehe!!

I'm thinking about my friend, Deena, she is in Ireland and I hope her and her husband, Kevin, are having a GREAT time!! I'm sure she is missing her son, Jack, though. I am so jealous, I need a REAL vacation BADLY. Someday...A girl can dream!

I hope you all (all 3 of you, ha!) have a GREAT weekend!!

Garage Sale

It's that time of year sister, Rae Carol (AKA "R" or "RC") is having a garae sale. I always put stuff in it, but man, it is such a butt whoopin'!! I ran home to do something for Brian and I thought I'd get in a quick post while I wait for one of his employees. On another note, my hair has started falling out in a big way...the same thing happened with Ashleigh when my milk supply started drying up. Right about the same time about 3 months. I'm still nursing about 50% of the time, but it's dwindling. It doesn't help trying to work while nursing becasue when I'm at work, I am sooo busy, and I simply do not have time for nursing and/or pumping, and my supply suffers. What's a girl to do?!?!

Ashleigh had another tee-ball game last night and those kids really enjoyed it!! We have a couple of stars on the team, but for the most part they aren't very good. Ash spent the day after school with Jessica and Jaydon. Jessica is the Mom that had a baby a week before us and Jaydon is her son that Ash goes to pre-K with. Ash is totally in LOVE with Jessica and Jaydon and they had a ball together! They're going to start hanging out's good for both kids.

Well, I'll let you all know how we did in the garage sale...most of my stuff is kids clothes. Have a GREAT day and weekend!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Busy Week

Alright, I figured a few more things out with this blog thing. Luckily, it was easy because I just don't have much time to mess with it. Next thing to figure out is how to add music. This week is so incredibly busy. I am truly loaded down with work and two of my projects got cancelled literally 5 minutes after completing them...grrr!! Even after finishing one of them on Sunday! We also have 2 tee-ball games this week, one last night and one tomorrow night. That's another story, those kids are so adorable and entertaining out there. I'll attach a couple photos from the game...I love how Ashleigh rounds home base and heads to 1st again!! Too funny! Then there was the Chili Cook-Off on Monday night...okay...RC (older sis) convinced me to enter to help out the band (it benefited the SHS band seniors for scholarship money). I figured, "okay, I can do that, but I'll go for the Best Presentation Award because I sure the hell don't know how to cook chili!!!" Well, except Yankee chili with beans that everyone makes fun of...not spicy AT ALL!!! Well, I reached my goal and I won Best Presentation, I'll have to see if RC took a picture. Anyway, not only that, but I won BEST chili?!?!?! That just cracked me up, especially because my twin sis and my Brother-in-Law both entered also, and Kevin (B-I-L) really wanted to win. And to top it off, it was his birthday, so I felt a little bad. But I still enjoy rubbing it in his face!! We won a $25 gift card to Albertsons and dinner for two to Moni's, a little italian joint down the street that we like going to. Anyway, back to my busy week...decluttering for the Cleaning Ladies tonight...that's an all night job, and somehow I still have to find time to get my stuff together and priced for RC's garage sale that starts Friday morning at the butt crack of dawn!! There is simply not enough time in the day!! Brian has been busier with work, thank GOD!! Things were getting a little scary and with my maternity leave pay, YIKES!! I FINALLY get my 1st full paycheck this Friday, the last one had all of my backed up insurance premiums taken out and it wasn't even a full 80 hours...uugghh!! But I'm not complaining, I am so blessed in so many ways...I have an incredible family, have truly GREAT friends, and have been fortunate enough to make some new friends via Ashleigh's pre-K...the other Mom's are truly GREAT people!! Well, back to decluttering the house, I'm STILL not done!! I sure am rambling. Have a GREAT evening!!

Here I GO...

Well, thank you Meredith, you have inspired me to FINALLY start my own blog. I have wanted to for quite some time now, but just never found the time or inspiration to do so. I always think, and still do, that I REALLY don't have anything interesting to say and nobody will have any interest in reading about my boring life. Happy, but boring. I hope to post again tomorrow when I have more time, it's getting so late and I'm exhausted. I hope you all have a GREAT night! Sleep tight!! Thank you for welcoming me into the blogging world!