Our little Munchie Munch, you turned 1 year old today. You were born at nearly 10:00 pm 1 year ago today. What a day that was! You came 6 days earlier than expected, but when it was all said and done, I was so happy because that was just extra time I got to hold you in my arms. It's been a year of such happiness and joy; it was also a year of sleeplessness, getting to know each other, and figuring out each other's quirks. I can tell you one thing...you are so different from your Sissy! You are our little adventurer, our strong personality, our temperamental one; but I can tell you something else...we LOVE you both so dearly. You have completed our family, Addy. You have brought such energy to our lives, which is no easy task keeping up with at my age! At only one year old you are able to show so much love for your Sissy, Mommy, and Daddy. You have learned to roll over, crawl, clap, wave, blow kisses, you lean in when we say "Give Kiss", you are cruising all over the place which tells me you will be walking so soon, you have grown 12 teeth, you rub your lotion in on your belly after Mommy does it, in other words, in this year you have gone from completely helpless to completely on-the-go! Addy, we can't wait to see what the coming years bring but at the same time I am so emotional about my Baby growing up so fast. I am trying to hold on to every moment so I can enjoy your childhood as much as possible. You will always be my Baby Girl. I Love You SOOOO Much, Munchie, Happy Birthday!
Here are some photos from your Birthday Party today. You are so loved and there were so many friends and family here to wish you a Happy Birthday.
Here we are in the midst of opening all of your presents:
Poor, Little Austin hit his head on the tile during your party and got a big ol' goose egg on his forehead. Notice us opening your presents in the background:
Checking out some of your loot:
Your beautiful cakes, the one on the right is your "smash" cake ALL just for YOU!
Ummm, I'm sorry Addy, you were fine until I put that hat on your head. A little over-stimulated, were we?
A perfect letter to end a perfect day. Happy Birthday, Addy! I'm glad we were able to celebrate with you.
You are quite loved, and very lucky to have a great mom & dad and wonderful big sissy! :)
Happy Birthday Addy! We enjoyed your party, and what a cute Birthday Angel you made. We are looking forward to enjoying more beautiful birthdays with you! xoxox..auntie ally
Happy belated birthday Addy! Sorry I could not be there for your first birthday. I am very sick right now. I hope to see you soon. Love ya Aunt J :)
Happy 1st birthday my pecious angel. You are so cute and we love you so much. Meme
Aunt Tracy, cousin Bria and cousin Tanner are SUPER bummed that we weren't able to make it to your big 1st birthday but think it's so special you were born just a day before us by a few hours! GO CAPRICORNS! We love you SO very much and can't believe how fast you've grown up in just a year! :~)
Happy Birthday pretty girl. Love you!! Auntie Rae
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