Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

I know I'm a little late blogging, I'm sorry! I was sooo exhausted last night after our Easter celebration, I just couldn't muster up the energy. But here I am now. I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Easter! Ours was filled with great company, fun times, and PLENTY of good food! As usual, Ashleigh was up by 7:30 and I immediately told her to come in our room when I heard her door open. You see, the Easter Bunny hides real eggs at our house and we the Easter Bunny couldn't hide them the night before. So our day started pretty early. The girls had a Great time finding their Easter eggs and Addy caught on real quick. In the 3 seconds it took me to go get the family to see their Easter goodies, Shasta had re-arranged a few of the eggs. She didn't break any of them, just put them in her mouth. Weirdo. I don't think she knew what to do! Silly me forgot the night before when I was putting Addy in her PJs that it was Easter, so she was in her Christmas PJs, too funny! I'm a dork! Oh, and that night Brian and I couldn't sleep so we played Wii between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM. Double Dorks! Needless to say, we're still trying to catch up on our sleep. We caught a break with the weather. I was stressing all week about the predicted thunderstorms. We did have a couple of big storms come through, but it stopped in time and the sun came out just in time to dry the yard enough for the big hunt that afternoon. Speaking of those storms, our power kept going out Saturday night, so I was stuffing a couple hundred eggs by candle and flash light. Fun times!

Brian has been working hard on our fence repairs. I should say fence replacement. He is finished with the right side of the house and now he still needs to do a small section on the left side of the house. He did a really good job and built it from scratch. He used metal poles this round because that fence is subjected to such a strong south wind, the wood poles just don't stand a chance.

Addy has her 15-month well child check-up tomorrow so I'll keep you posted on how that goes. ECI, the speech therapists, are coming to our house on Friday to start the paperwork for her speech. then they will schedule an evaluation after that. They are different that the original therapists at Baylor - Grapevine. It was a no-brainer because ECI comes to your house for the therapy AND whatever the insurance doesn't cover, they don't bill you for (they are state-sponsored). Duh! Much better than paying to go to Grapevine! This is how it was when Ash first started speech, so hopefully it hasn't changed! But definitely 3 solid words now - Mama, Hi, and Uh-Oh. She can sign even more than that - more, please, apple, thank you, cookie, and all gone. Too funny! She's a smart girl.

Today is Kim's birthday...Happy Birthday Kim!!! Kim is Brian's half sister's (Jessica's) Mom. We love her and she is such a great person! We hope you had a GREAT day today, Kim!!
Last Friday was Alma's birthday...Happy Birthday Alma! I already know Alma had a GREAT birthday weekend with her family! She loves the Dallas Arboretum and got to spend some time there.

I really need to start writing down through the week what I want to write about because by the time I sit down to blog, I can't remember!! I do have some video I want to post, so I'll work on that this week. Here are the pictures from the week:

I couldn't resist taking this picture. Addy (please disregard the baby food on her clothes, she is refusing bibs these days and sometimes blows bubbles when she gets full, ugh!) was carrying around a picture of her Great Oma (grandmother in German for those of you who don't habla). Oma is Margarete's (Brian's Mom) Mom who has passed away. By the way, Margarete was offered a job! And a raise! It took 3 months to find a job, but hopefully the wait was worth it! Congratulations, Marga!

This was Thursday night coloring Easter eggs at RC's house after a yummy chicken fried steak dinner and homemade mashed potatoes. Ashleigh lost interest pretty quickly, especially when Kevin and Brittany turned on the Wii. Ash is an awesome bowler!

My brown-eyed girl:

Addy with one of her Easter Bunny goodies, a movie. Actually, that looks like Ash's movie, Barbie:

Ashleigh checking out her Easter Bunny goodies:

Showing off her Easter eggs:

Addy getting into the thrill of finding Easter eggs:

These are later in the afternoon with the rest of the clan. This is our nephew, Tekoa (Katie's son):

Ashleigh doing her thing:

Kaileyanna (Katie's daughter) and Sydney racking it in:

Daddy helping Addy with the big hunt and Jaydon watching on:

Jessica and Jilian enjoying the day and watching the kiddos pick up the hundreds of eggs. The Rogers joined us this year because most of their family is in Miami. I knew the kiddos would love the big hunt!

Peyton doing a good job. Her and Ash were funny because they would pass 20 perfectly good eggs to get to one that was "prettier". Oy vey! Girls, don't you realize there is M-O-N-E-Y in those eggs!

Jacoby did an awesome job getting those eggs! Look at him go:

Alrighty, You guys have a GREAT week! Sleep Tight!


JESSICA said...

Please let me know how ECI goes. I can't wait to hear what they have to say. It sounds like she's signing away! :)
Thanks for having us over. The kiddos had a GREAT time and you don't want to hear this but...amongst the 4 of us "hunters", we ended up with $35. I found some unopened eggs with a few bills and some more change. Aside from the money, the company was great and the kiddos enjoyed themselves. Thank you!

The York Family Blog said...

Good times. It was a good time, and nice to have the Roger clan there.

Anonymous said...

Great pics & blog! Funny & sweet! We were alone for the first time since we were married, on a holiday! Very sad! I still did a sit down dinner w/ham, au gratin potatos, h. m. cole slaw, bisquits & a salad plate, linen table cloth, w/champagne which I killed by myself cause on one was here to help! LOL! Dyed & hide eggs & Unc Richard rehide them on me so when I went to get 2 for salad I HAD TO HUNT TOO, LOL, LOL! Love, Auntie S

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brian and Andi for always hosting the GREATEST Easter! I know it's a lot of work on your guys' part, but in the end so worth it. I am already looking forward to next year, hahaha. And I really, really, really had fun participating in Ashleigh's class project that evening, and listening to her practicing her violin. She looks so cute playing it. Have a great weekend. Oma.