Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We Have Progress

I just wanted to pass along a quick update...I received a call from Ashleigh's Speech Therapist today, Mrs. Adams, and she is recommending that we start testing Ashleigh out of Speech. That would mean she would officially be "dismissed" from Speech during her ARD (admission, review, dismissal for those of you who don't habla) meeting. I'm not sure yet if her sessions would stop at that point or if she would go until the end of the school year. But anyway, we are thrilled that she has caught up with her peers and will no longer have to endure weekly speech therapy. YEA Ashleigh!! However, Mrs. Adams expressed her sadness at not having Ash any longer. When I spoke to Ash about it this afternoon she, too, was sad. Even though Ash is only in Kindergarten, Mrs. Adams has been her Therapist since the day she turned 3. I explained to her that she will still see Mrs. Adams around the school (I hope I wasn't lying, sometimes they move the Speech therapists around to different schools within the district **yikes**)!!!

Also, we all know by now the concerns with Addy's speech development...she should be saying at least 3 words by now but is only saying "MaMa". We decided after her speech evaluation a few weeks ago that we would wait about a month (and after her appointment with the ENT on March 3rd) before we jump into speech therapy for her. Of course her reason for speech is much different than Ashleigh's. Anyway, starting yesterday we have gotten her to say "uh-oh" pretty well. And though it appears she is trying to say "DaDa", it's just not coming out. But I do feel she is trying. She has also been trying to say "yum-yum". I try to get her to say "more" but she doesn't even really try. Probably because it involved "more" food and she gets mad when I don't give it to her, LOL! So even though her progress is quite slow, I do feel I am seeing progress nonetheless.

Another cute thing Addy has been doing is every time you sing to her, she claps for you when you're done. Everyone is a S-T-A-R in her eyes! Too funny! Oh Addy, we call her our "spirited" child. which is a nice way to say STUBBORN!! Geesh, this girl puts up a fight with going to sleep! It's practically pointless to put socks on her unless you put shoes on too because she just pulls them off. And boy, does she like the mouse on the computer! Relentless, that one! I could go on and on, but you get the point. Yup, spirited! ;-)

Just a quickie update, I hope you're all having a GREAT week! I'm going to finish watching LOST now!


The York Family Blog said...

YEAH Ash and Addy! Sounds like Addy is making progress. I am very curious to see what the ENT says about it. Good job, Ash. She does seem to be communicating just fine, and impressed with the progress she has made. Keep me posted on that.

JESSICA said...

Way to go, Linder girls! The Rogers are all very proud of the both of you.
Like Ally said, please keep me posted too. :)

JESSICA said...

PS: Will ya please update your darn profile over there? Is Addy still 11 months old, and Ashleigh "almost 5"?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for quick update; love it! After Addy starts talking all the time, NO COMPLAINING, LMAO! Sweet about speech teacher bond!
Thankful reality shows are back on! Early pick on AI? Love the blond/pick hair gal! AM, love the mom/son team! Surv. love the blond gal & cute guy that are a team looking for idol. And you love....???
Love, Auntie S

Anonymous said...

Thats AI's w/PINK hair & AR for amazing race! DAH! Love, Auntie S