Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

It was looking like the Steelers had this game wrapped up a few minutes ago, but the Cardinals are 1 score away from taking the lead. They could have had the lead a long time ago but they have had some stupid mistakes and some stupid penalties. I mean, come on, 3 personal fouls on 1 defensive drive?!?! That's ridiculous! Geesh, but they just might have a chance to pull this out. I'll certainly be avoiding the Harris household for the next week if the Steelers lose, that's for sure! I'll probably avoid the York household too...if the Steeler's lose plus Steve's 2nd week on the Optifast diet stuff. Fun times! Anyway, me and the sisters went to Dad's for a while, Kevin and Steve went to Buffalo Wild Wings, and Brian ended up going to work to get caught up on some things.

This morning, I went to Jessica's house so we could finally make her french memo boards for the nursery. She needed something over the dresser and we decided to make 4 - 13" x 13" memo boards. A couple of weeks ago we went and picked out the fabric, ribbon, and buttons. I usually make these ***OMG - The Cardinals just took the lead with a little over 2 minutes remaining*** with cork board, and we bought some at Wal-Mart that were going to work out great. Well, Brian took one look at them after I had taken he frame off of one, and said they were not going to work because they were made out of paper on the back rather than wood or a dense cork. He was right. So I head to Office Depot...there cork boards were much better, but $17 a piece, which were pricey considering Jessica wanted 4 of them. So I bought this dense foam stuff hoping it would work. Nope, it didn't work either. My lovely husband then went to Home Depot, bought some wood, and cut them to size. Thanks dear, they were perfect! Anyway, the final result was very nice and Jessica promised to take some pictures once they were on the wall. My hand is sore this evening from all of the stapling, LOL. ***Oh geesh, the Steelers are just a few yards away from winning with 49 seconds left.***

Oh crap, Pittsburgh just won. Oh well.

I took my MLK, Jr. Holiday on Friday since I had to work on the actual day and they let us take it anytime within the month it occurs. It wasn't much of a Holiday though because I had to go to A Advanced and get all of the 1099's and W-2's done and in the mail. But then had a nice lunch with Mom, Ally, Addy, and Peyton at the Black Eyed Pea. Thanks for lunch, Mom!

I joined Facebook. I found out during my Scrapping day last weekend that all 3 of my friends were on and they didn't tell me about it! I was upset with them but I'm on now and it's all good. It worked out because Brian's family and some of mine are on too so I guess it's a decent way to keep in touch. If you're not on, join and we can keep in touch!

Last night, Brittany babysat so we could go on a much needed date. We ended up inviting both the Harris' and the York's and we had a good time. We went to Kincaid's Hamburgers for dinner. Brian had never been and it's Kevin's favorite burger place. Brian ended up getting a bacon double cheeseburger and that sucker had 1 whole pound of beef PLUS bacon! It was huge! And it was $14!!! But he ate every bite. Then we went to the Melting Pot for dessert. It was quite yummy! I had never been but have been wanting to go. Now I want to go back for dinner. My company gave me a $50 gift card a couple of Christmas's ago when they had there company party there in San Antonio and it's been floating around my purse ever since. I was worried it wouldn't work, but it did. Anyway, it was a nice night out.

NOTE: Ashleigh just got out of bed coughing and said she needed to blow her nose and then started gagging - most of you know what gagging and Ashleigh in the same sentence means. Yup, she started throwing up. I have to give her props though, only a little got on the floor before she did the rest in the potty. That's a HUGE improvement for her considering she is usually running in place refusing to do it in the potty. Now I just have to figure out if she's sick or if her drainage is making her gag. I think it's the latter because she doesn't feel warm, I know she's had drainage, and she always gags when she has drainage. I guess I'll assess in the morning. OY!

Okay, I hope you all have a GREAT week! Sleep Tight!


Anonymous said...

The boards sound so cute, eager to see them! Date sounded like yummy fun! Hope Ashleigh is better in AM! Love, Auntie S

JESSICA said...

The boards look cute up. I haven't had time to take pictures but I will tomorrow.
I'm so glad you had your date night! All of the food sounds delicious!
My cousin was telling me about Facebook earlier tonight and how I had to join. Apparently, everyone from our family is on there. Too funny! I guess it's one more thing to keep up with now.
I sure hope Ash is better in the morning. Keep me posted!

Anonymous said...

Myspace is also interesting. :) Joy

The York Family Blog said...

Oh gosh! And Peyton hung out with her on Sat and Sun! I hope she isn't sick. Steve came home in a good mood from the football game. That was the only thing I was grateful for. ha Might do the facebook thing also

Anonymous said...

Now you need to do MySpace - that's where ALL the family is - INCLUDING SOME OF THE GERMAN FAMILY! Brian is on it but doesn't go on very much. PLEASE go on MySpace!!! I am glad Ashleigh is not sick!! Because you know what that means - Addyson and the rest of you is next!! Loves ya. Oma