Monday, March 23, 2009

13 Years Together

I know I just blogged yesterday, but I wanted to take the opportunity to wish my wonderful Husband a Happy 13 years together. We started seeing each other 13 years ago today and I simply can't believe how the time has flown! We are no exception and have certainly had our ups and our downs but I wouldn't change a thing because it has brought us to where we are now. And that's in a happy place where we simply love and adore each other to pieces. I'm sure we will continue to have those ups and downs, but that's okay, each one makes us stronger as a couple and we learn to appreciate each other more and more. We have accomplished so much together and it's hard to imagine life without him. I think back to the days when we moved in together after only dating for about 6 months. I had just graduated from college and he had just gotten out of the Marine Corps. We were SO muy poor! There were times when we had to use our Chevron gas card to get something to eat, a time when we lived in the Motel 6 for a week waiting for our apartment to be ready, and times when we didn't know how we would scrape up enough change to do our laundry. We've come a long way and am so proud of both of us. Thinking back to those days it seems so petty and selfish to bitch about how poor we are now. I know we are truly blessed in so many ways. I love Brian Shea Linder with all my heart. I love the family we created. I love the future that we'll continue to share.

Here are some facts that you may not have known about us:

* We lived in 4 different apartments (all in the same area) before moving into our 1st house.

* We were together 4 years before becoming engaged.

* We were together 5 years before actually tying the knot.
* We laughed so hard trying to move an entertainment center up the stairs to our apartment, that we (maybe I) simply could not do it and a neighbor had to come help.

* When we were in our 1st apartment, Brittany was only 5 years old. Sydney wasn't even born yet.

* There is a cabin in Pine Bluff, TX (AKA...boondocks) that Brian and I used to go to. See picture below.

* Brian and I have NOT gone on a honeymoon, nor have we gone on a real vacation together just the 2 of us.

* I just asked Brian to contribute to this and all he could come up with is "we're a little overweight". Um, Honey, I think they knew that one already! LMAO!

* We still have the Wal-Mart dishes we bought when we moved in together.

* Brian was a size 31 pants when we he's a 38. That's what happens when you marry a West sister!
* Brian drove a Pontiac Firebird and I drove a Mitsubishi Eclipse when we 1st met. Yes, we liked sports cars! Now we're old and drive a SUV and a pickup truck!

I'm sure I'll think of a million more when my head hits the pillow. Here are a few pictures from WAY back when.
This is at the cabin in Pine Bluff, TX, probably around 1997:
This is at my work Christmas party, probably 1998ish:
At Brian's Mom's house, oh goodness, maybe 1999?
Happy 13 years together, Honey!! I love you so very much!


Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary. Love ya both. :) J

JESSICA said...

OMG, OMG, OMG! I have seen some of those pics before at your house but Brian looks 18 in that last one...maybe because he was only 20! LMAO! WOW!
I TOTALLY cracked up with his contribution to the post. The WM dishes - don't ever get rid of those. That's classic!
Congratulations, y'all! I'm very happy for you, and wish you 13 (or 53!) more blissful years together! :)

JESSICA said...

I meant to say he looked 18 in the first picture, not the last one. :)

Anonymous said...

I guess I never saw him back in the day. I don't remember seeing him. I guess I just remember Andrea better than anyone else because she is the one who was paid to hang out with me. LOL! :) J

The York Family Blog said...

You lived in a motel 6? Wow! didn't know that.

annies home said...

you all look very sweet together thanks for visiting my blog and entering a great contest there are several great ones available on my blog and more to come

Rae Carol said...

God, you two are old as dirt!!! Haha. Those pictures are too funny. I enjoyed the facts I did not know. I really did not know most of them!!