Monday, March 30, 2009

A New Addiction

Brian is at Office Depot and when he comes home I really hope he doesn't say "Let's play Wii tennis"! My arms and shoulders are SOOOOOOOOOO sore! We have been playing that thing every chance we get for the past week. And yesterday, I think we played for like 5 total hours off and on; hence the soreness. I have FINALLY gotten to the point of being able to beat Brian in a couple of things...the occasional tennis match and bowling. We are addicted. I admit it. And I hear that he newness of the Wii doesn't wear off much. Great. I am so behind on my TV shows, I haven't even seen LOST from last week yet! My DVR better not crash or anything or I will be one unhappy girl! But in any event, yes, we are addicted to Wii and admitting it is the 1st step! Now we are super excited to network our Wii with the Harris' so we can play each other from the comfort of our own homes! Think Doubles Tennis! Woo-Hoo!

Saturday was a busy day for me. I had a hair appointment in the morning and then straight to Meredith's house for scrapbooking with the girls. Unfortunately, Alma had to cancel because she was sick. It's not quite the same unless we are all there, but we had fun visiting and got some layouts done. I had to leave by 5:15 in order to make it to "Girl's Night Out". Jessica planned a fun-filled evening beginning with Bingo. None of us have played Bingo in decades if ever and we were soooo confused! If you haven't played in a while, you would be confused too...there were so many different options and computers and games. Once we got a hang of it, we really enjoyed it and it was a lot of fun. On our next available date night, I'm going to plan for us to go there. Maybe we can actually win! Then we went back to Jessica's house for drinks, food, and games. She made a trash can punch that was quite tasty. Brittany was babysitting that evening and the boys decided to go to Bone Daddy's BBQ. Apparently the wait staff dresses quite risque. Then they told us they decided to go to Oklahoma to go to the Casino and we believed them once they sent us pictures of the Winstar sign. As it turns out they were sitting at Kevin's house playing poker sending us pictures of their website! Assholes! Anyway, it was quite the busy day and I enjoyed the time away doing girl stuff. I missed my babies, but it was much needed!

Addyson is officially walking. Apparently, the time away from her Momma on Saturday did her wonders. All of a sudden she is walking more than crawling. I'll get some video to share because she is just too cute wobbling around the house. She also cut teeth 13 and 14 (I can't remember if I told you that already). Baby Girl is just growing up so last baby needs to slow down, her firsts are my lasts :(

We had Ashleigh's ARD (admission, review, and dismissal for those of you who don't habla) meeting. She is officially dismissed from speech and is no longer considered having a disability. I am so very proud of her and it has been a long, hard fought road. Her therapist, Mrs. Adams, was pretty sad and when we told Ashleigh, she was sad too. They've been seeing each other for 3 years, so it was definitely bittersweet.

Brian finally hung my memo boards on Sunday. Here they are (though the photos don't do them justice):

Detail of the ones in my office:

The boards in my office:

Ashleigh all snug in her bed:

The boards in Ash's room:

What do you think of them?
Of course Brian just came home and expected to play Wii, but now I'm trying to catch up on LOST (and give my arms and shoulders a chance to recover). LOL.
We've had Shasta for like 7 years and in that time she has NEVER even remotely tried to escape when she's in the backyard. There have been times when the gates have been wide open and she stays in the backyard. Well, for some reason the past few days, she has been escaping every chance she gets. She usually goes right to the front door. But today she was nowhere to be found so Addy and I had to get in the car and go hunting. We found her about 20 minutes later a few streets over. Damn dog! I don't know what her problem could be. Why all of a sudden does she want to escape? Brian screwed one of the gates closed that has a broken something that we think she was slipping through. UGH!
I don't know if I will be able to publish this post tonight, we just had a major storm with a brown out. Looks like the internet is working again, so fingers crossed! It's 11:00 now, so I better start heading to bed. Have a GREAT week, sleep tight!


JESSICA said...

I'm so very proud of Addyson! Now she can chase around my oober-active boy!

I'm also so very proud of Ash! WOO-HOO on the speech!

Keep playing the games - it's a work-out and fun at the same time. You cannot go wrong there!!

I like the memo boards. You are so creative! I REALLY like the ones in Ash's room. GREAT colors there! :)

Anonymous said...

Better watch out those wii's can be life threatening. Read the news today. :) J