Sunday, March 8, 2009

So Sorry

I apologize to all 3 of my readers! I have not updated in quite some time. I promised myself I didn't have time to blog until I got Jilian's pictures edited. It took a lot longer than I anticipated (and no, Jessica, not because she is ugly like you suggested the other day you big goober!) Anyway, I burned their disc this morning and I am DONE! Unfortunately, I am dead tired, and don't want to update tonight either. But I do promise to update in the next day or two. In the meantime, I hope you have a GREAT week! Sleep Tight!


JESSICA said...

You are SO dead! SO SO SO dead!
Here I am all excited because I see something under March. Hmpf!
Sleep is overrated - do you not know that yet? :)

Okay - nice Jessica says: "Thank you SO much Andi, for making us your first priority and finishing the pictures."

...and mean Jessica says, "GET ON IT AND BLOG, BEOTCH!"

Have a GREAT week!

Anonymous said...

Your blog was OK but Jessica's comment was a rip, LOL, LOL! Dying to see pics! Love, Auntie S