Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Haunted Weekend

So Halloween has come and gone and everyone had a great time and the boys' Haunted Tent was a big success. The night was actually pretty chaotic...sooo many people coming and going and TONS of trick-or-treaters!! But I guess that's what Halloween is all about! It couldn't have been a better birthday celebration for was his element for sure! And Brian was thrilled that his Mom, Sister (Katie), and her 2 kids (Kaileyanna and Tekoa) came up this year because they usually hang out at home in Arlington. On top of everything, it was Addy's 1st Halloween and she was the cutest Lil' Lamb I have ever seen! I may be a little biased, but you can look at the photos below and judge for yourself! And Super Girl, yup, Ash was the prettiest Super Girl out of the 100s we saw on the street! Make sure you watch the video's not great, but I walked through the Haunted Tent with the video camera, I had the night vision on, but it was hard to focus with all of the fog from the fog machine. Oh, and the noise...that's from Brian's trash can mine field. Yup, you've never seen a happier man controlling those trash cans!

And here is the video:

On another subject, I checked Addy's mouth for the 1st time in a while, and sure enough, she has cut her 1st molar. Only 1 corner is out, so she's in for some more pain. I have stocked up on the Tylenol, though, so hopefully we can manage it. Poor baby, seems like we should buy stock in the Tylenol, we go through it so fast!
I got my mani/pedi on had to be Saturday because my gift certificate from the Harris' for my birthday was expiring that day. Unfortunately, Ally was unable to use hers, so she was nice enough to let Brittany use it so we went together. I haven't had one in I don't know how long, so it was nice. We both got a nice fall color.
Alrighty, time for me to start heading to bed, it's 10:30. This time change is screwing me up a little, and I should have gone to bed earlier to take advantage of the extra hour. Of course, I didn't.
Have a GREAT week! Sleep Tight!


JESSICA said...

Yes, all of the girls in your family (and Tekoa) were very cute!!!
Go toothy Addy! :)

Kandice said...

SOOOO cute!

Anonymous said...

The Lamb gets my vote! Supergirl is SUPER! The pics are great! Glad you got the nails done! Have fun! Love, Auntie S