Sunday, August 3, 2008

Let's See...

...What's been going on lately around here? Not a whole lot so this shouldn't take long. I started this blog yesterday by uploading the video below, but am just now geting around to actually typing up a blog.

Today my Program Manager (my boss' boss) was in town for a meeting at the USACE (US Army Corps of Engineers for those of you who don't habla, ha!) and she had a little bit of time before her flight back, so she stopped by for her 1st visit to the Ft. Worth branch of the San Antonio office (I named my little 150 square foot office, ha!) She stayed for about an hour and we had a nice visit. She is such an awesome person and she expressed how much everyone at the company likes me, so that was nice! It's always nice to know that the people you work for really like you! I really like them too! My company is so awesome...they are so flexible with everything. I mean really, I work at home and they allow me to care for my kids on the job. I know it takes me 10-12 hours to get in my 8 hours, but really, how awesome is that!?!?! Anyway, hopefully my employment with AGEISS will last a LONG time!

Ashleigh had her next scheduled appointment with the ENT last Thursday. She's been going regularly since her ear drum rupture last summer (totally independent from her tubes and other ear problems). And can I please get a "HALLELUJAH"!!!! No surgery, she is completely only took 13 months. That was music to my ears! He said she didn't have to come back unless she started having problems. I am very happy for some "ear normalcy" which we haven't had since Ash was 1 year old. Ashleigh, I am so very proud of you for fighting your ear problems with such calm and you have been so brave!

We have also decided that Ash will start music lessons in September. I just assumed she would play piano since that's where everyone in our family starts but she wants to learn the violin. I keep asking her each day and she still says violin. Okay, Ash, violin it is. Of course, that will require renting an instrument since you have to be measured to get the right size violin and they grow out of them quickly, so there is no reason to purchase at this point. But that's okay. It's a fact that musicians do better in school, so whatever helps!

Let's see, what else? Have I mentioned it's hot? We broke a record was 107 degrees. That's pretty ridiculous. I worry about Brian working out in this heat. Especially when he is in the 150 degree attics. He comes home drenched every night, poor guy! He works so very hard, I pray it all pays off someday with a successful business.

My Aunt Vicki passed away a few days ago. She was 101 years old. I am so thankful we went to Atlantic City last summer and saw her. She had a fulfilled life and was a very unique woman. All of the "sisters" were unique. They are all upstairs together now, just how they were for decades upon decades here on Earth. My Dad will hopefully make it to her Memorial Service.

Here is a video of the girls performing their first duet together...Ash has had that piano for a few years now and STILL loves it. now it looks like Addy loves it too. Sometimes I put it on her highchair while she is in it and she just goes to town on that thing! Too funny!

I hope you all have a GREAT week! Sleep Tight!


The York Family Blog said...

I love the video. You don't put enough videos on your blog. I like seeing what they do when I am not there. I miss seeing my nieces as much as I used to.

Rae Carol said...

I see music in their futures!! haha. That was cute. It is about time you blogged!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part was the dog hollering! LOL Ashleigh's hair is so long & pretty! Addy is growing so fast!
Loved it all! Hugs, Auntie S

JESSICA said...

Too cute! Love the video!! Ashleigh only had 1 chicken for dinner??? Did you let that girl go to bed hungry? JUST KIDDING!
Go violin!