Monday, July 21, 2008

Addy Update

I didn't want to worry anyone since I told you we had to take Addy to the Pediatric Cardiologist, so I'm giving you an update. She had an echocardiogram this morning and it showed that her VSD (hole) is still there, but it has gotten smaller. She had another smaller one in another wall of her heart at birth, but it has completely disappeared. So this is all good news. The VSD is still presenting itself as a slight murmur but there is nothing to worry about. We don't have to go back for another echo for another 2 years and she shouldn't have any problems. I truly appreciate your concern for our daughter and I am just so thankful that she is a healthy baby!

Other than that, I stopped and bought lunch on the way home for the doctor. RC was nice enough to watch Ash while Addy and I went to the doctor, so I wanted to buy her and her clan lunch. We had Taco Casa...YumYum! Then worked the rest of the afternoon in a very busy and frantic way.

Cooked Enchiladas for dinner. They turned out pretty good. It's one of the few things that Ashleigh will eat that I make.

I had Brian check out my stitches (7 of them) tonight to make sure everything looked okay because they are a little sore. And Ash said the funniest thing, "Mommy has spiders on her back". We tried to explain to her that they are stitches like she has had before, but the girl has such a spider phobia, she wouldn't go near them. Too funny!

That's all I've got tonight folks, Sleep Tight!


The York Family Blog said...

What the hell is a "Clan lunch" and why the hell wasn't I invited! Me and Peyton ate alone. Gee..thanks! Glad Addy is well.

Rae Carol said...

Is Ally serious???? Just wondering!!

Anonymous said...

So very thankful that Addy got this good report!!! Please try to include Ally when you all do something. She loves you so... Was that in "Gone With The Wind"? You girls are so funny! Love, Auntie S