Monday, July 14, 2008

Doctors, Bible School, & Such

Wow, it doesn't seem like it's been 4 days since I posted last, but I guess sometimes living life just gets in the way. We've been pretty busy over the weekend and today. On Saturday I went shopping to pick out some dresses for the girls for their photo shoot next weekend. Jessica was nice enough to come with me and her husband, Jeremy, was even nicer to watch not only his 2 kids, but my 2 kids also. I anticipated us only being gone like 3 hours at the most but we were gone like 5 1/2 hours. I couldn't believe it. We were just having no luck. We started at TJ Maxx hoping to find some cute Polo dresses...found some cute stuff for Addy but nothing for photos. Then to lunch. Then to Children's Place...bought Ash an outfit (the one in the new slideshow), but nothing for photos. Then to Bath and Body Works to re-stock the soap for the house. Then to Dillard's...bought Addy a couple of dresses, but nothing for photos. Then to Macy's...score!! I haven't been to Macy's in ages and figured I wouldn't be able to afford anything there, but they were having a really good sale! I decided to go with all white sundresses...they are not identicle, but just different enough to make the photos perfect....I hope! Addy's was $14 and Ash's was $11. And the dresses at Dillard's were like $10 and $12. I bought Polo and Nike at TJ Maxx for $10-$15. In fact, one of the Polo dresses I bought at TJM was $15, and we saw the EXACT same one at Dillard's for $35. Just crazy! I had never been to TJM before, so I'm glad Jessica suggested it, I really liked it! Unfortunately, we learned that Polo doesn't make clothes for girls in Ash's size range anymore.

Ashleigh started Vacation Bible School yesterday evening. It goes through Thursday from 6:00 through 8:30 in the evening. I didn't expect it at all but she cried when I dropped her off. When we showed up and were getting out of the car she said "I'm sad that you won't stay with me" and "I'm nervous that you're making me stay". I'm not sure what triggered it, because even on the 1st day of pre-K she didn't cry and she's really been outgoing lately. But in the end, she was fine and the teacher said she didn't cry after I left. AND she had a good time! So all was good. And today, there was no problem at all. Peyton and Sydney are also going to VBS but they are all in different classes since it goes by age.

After we got home this evening, we were watching "The Mole" and the contestants were having to bungee jump and Brian said "I would never bungee jump". Ashleigh said "I'll bungee jump with you Daddy, and you won't get a boo-boo, but you will get dizzy but then you won't be dizzy anymore and I'm a little nervous but we will be okay, Mommy is that bungee far away?" It's so funny to hear her "think" out loud. Also she has been saying things "dissapooint" her lately, but it comes out as "stusapoint" or something like that.

Both girls had their check ups today with Dr. Benzick. They both did really good. Ashleigh is 61 pounds (99%), 45 inches (93%), and perfectly healthy. Addy is 19.4 pounds (96%), 27.5 inches (96%), and head is 18 inches (99%). This compares with Ashleigh at 6 months at 20 pounds, 27 1/4 inches, and head was 17 1/4. So they are pretty even. He was very pleased with Addy's development thus far and happy with her 3 healthy looking teeth...yes, another one broke through the other day on the top. I raised a concern that a few people on separate occasions have brought to my attention that she won't look at them. she ca be right in front of you but she looks to the side, even if you keep turning her towards you. He said he's not worried about that because at the 9 month check up is when he asks about making eye contact. As were talking about it, she was intently focused on my watch, so he said it is completely normal if she isn't interested in making eye contact. I did get sad when Addy was getting her 3 shots because Ashleigh got real sad and was tearing up and upset that her sister was getting hurt. Ash has a lot of empathy and can be a very caring little girl.

My goodness, it's 11:00 already, I must go to bed. But 1st I'd like to wish my friend, Meredith, a VERY Happy Birthday today! I hope your day was GREAT today!

These photos are a couple of my favorites that I took, let me know what you think! Sleep Tight.

p.s. I tried uploading the photos but got an error 1, 674 times...I give up for now!


The York Family Blog said...

I couldn't upload pics tonight too. Not just you. My big beautiful babies. Glad they are happy and healthy.

Anonymous said...

SO I'm not surprised that the girls are perfect but now the Dr. knows it too! The dresses sound so pretty & I LOVE TJ Maxx! I always get lost in the decorator department! The prices are great but I really just shop not buy anymore as I hate dusting!
Love, Auntie S

JESSICA said...

Can we see any pictures yet? I want to see Ash in that outfit!
So glad that they are both healthy! :)