Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 6 Months Birthday Addy

It is just so hard to believe that my Baby Girl is 6 months old today. If I thought time flew prior to her birth, it is ridiculously flying now! I'm trying hard to enjoy every moment and I feel I'm doing the best I possibly can with the time that is given to me. It's so hard to be a working parent. I know a lot of you know this. I am incredibly blessed to be able to work at home and care for my children. However, I do think my girls are a bit deprived of quality interaction with other people and children. In other words, they are bored. It's a double-edged sword to be honest....on one hand they're home with me, but bored. On the other hand, they could be away from me but spending quality time in a formal setting with a quality curriculum...grrr, the pros and cons. In any event, Addy has her 6-month check up on Monday and Ash has her 5-year checkup at the same time...should be interesting!

Thank You to RC today for picking up Ashleigh to go to the grocery store with her, to Pop-Pop's house, and to MeMe's house. It gave her something to do and she loves spending time with her Auntie Rae and Sydney. And it gave her something to do today. Peyton will be here tomorrow for her regularly scheduled Friday visit while Ally works at our A/C office. Mom wants to meet for lunch after she goes to kidney clinic...we'll see how my morning goes with work. I'm all caught up with my monthly reports, but I'm waiting for 2 people to complete theirs so I can review them.

On to the sweetness that is the Dallas Cowboys and their biggest fan! RC happened to see the picture Kevin stole from me sitting on their dresser and she stole it back and brought it to me. I later found out that Kevin was bringing it in from his car and was going to put it in his sock drawer, but accidentally left it out. You have to get up pretty early to ultimately beat us girls!! I'll give you a little background...Kevin has always been a big Pittsburgh Steelers fan. I could swear that Steve was a Cowboys fan when we met and for a period of time after that. Then all of a sudden he was a Steelers' fan too and denied ever being a Cowboys fan. What is up with these Texas born and bred boys that are Steelers' fans?!?! It just disgusts me! Anyway, here is the proof that Steve was/is a Cowboys fan...

Do you need a closer look?

Not close enough? How about this?

That's right...Super Bowl Champs!! Admit it Steve!! There is no more denying, it's time to face the facts! Don't be afraid, Kevin will still love you! hehehe, I LOVE it!

Me and the girls went for a short walk tonight to the park so Ashleigh could play a little while Brian worked on his motorcycle. Addy just loves being outside and it really relaxes her. If she is upset, we can go outside and it immediately calms her down.

OMG, Ashleigh just went to the bathroom and she is in there right now saying "my butt hurts and my pee-pee is hot, can I have soda-pop to make it feel better, Mommy come help me". I sure hope she doesn't have a UTI. She drinks a lot of water so I don't know. She does this every so often but I know it's not a UTI because she is always fine the next time she goes potty. Who knows.

Oh, funny thing she did last night that I really need to get on video. She had just gotten out of the bathtub and I was moisturizing her face. And she said "does this lotion make my face pretty?" And I said "of course, it does". Then she said (in a very seductive voice, eyes closed, hands motioning across her hair, and moving her hips around) "how about my body?" It was so funny and I could not stop laughing. Of course now she thinks its funny and shes been saying it all day.

Okie Dokie, I hope you all have a GREAT Friday! Sleep Tight!


Rae Carol said...

Ok, I am laughing so hard I am busting!! Kevin totally snowed us!!! He planned the whole thing with manipulating the picture then leaving it out so I would give it back to you and then you blogging it without us even noticing any of it!! OMG!!!! That was my laugh for the night. Too funny!! Good one Kev.

The York Family Blog said...

OMG!!! LOL!! I didn't even notice that until I read RC's comment. Andi..I still don't think you noticed it! Look the hat. Kev...YOU ARE THE MASTER! I must admit. "You have to get up pretty early to ultimately beat us girls". K..Andi...he GOT YOU BAD on that one. Oh, gosh...LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Most people can't get up earlier than you girls, but us boys never sleep. Thanks for playing....

JESSICA said...

I wondered who the Cryboys were!?! That's greatness on the boys part! Good one there, Kevin!
Ashleigh's body thing comment is too funny. Watch out world!
Happy 6-Month Birthday Addy!

Anonymous said...

You all are SO FUNNY & maybe I can send you RC's photo where she is wearing the Eagles shirt. Did you see it? So loved Ashleigh's words on cream! She is THE GIRL! I think you are GREAT to keep the girls w/you & that you 3 sisters share them! If they are "busy" all day at Day Care, what will they do in the real world? Kids have been bored in the Summer forever but I think they may need that down time to let their imagination RUN!
Love, Auntie S