Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another Weekend Gone

Saturday started out in Grapevine meeting Kandice for Ashleigh's 5-year old pictures and Addy's 6-month old pictures. We met at the Botanical Gardens in Grapevine. I had never been there before but it is so beautiful. I'm always so anxious to see the pictures, but I know I must be patient. They always turn out really good because Kandice is just an awesome photographer! It'll be at least 2 weeks before I can view and share these pictures. The girls behaved pretty well. Ash is at this age where she just wants to smile cheesey and be silly. And of course she was paranoid about the spider webs, even though there wasn't any. We started at 9:00 and it was already so very hot. They had a water fountain that Ash wanted to visit every 3.5 minutes. Addy smiled nicely and sat up pretty good. I was paranoid that she would fall, cry, and thus ruin the rest of her pictures, but all was good. I would like to go back out when we have more time to just look around.

I took a pretty good nap after we got back while Brian was on a service call in Bedford. He was on-call this weekend and worked a good chunk of the weekend, especially today. 5 hours this morning in NRH and another 2 hours this afternoon in Arlington. Anyway, Saturday night we went to IHOP with the Harris'. We're such the party animals. Brian was craving breakfast for dinner. After that we went to The York's for a last minute decision game of poker. Thank goodness Brian won last hand so we broke pretty much even.

Today was rather uneventful. Like I said earlier, Brian worked most of the day. Well, I had to work too. I probably worked for about 5-6 hours. I have a deadline for tomorrow morning, so I had to finish a procurement package for Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. I should have finished Friday, but the 2 doctor's appointments put me a little behind.

Of course, Big Brother was on tonight. Here are a few random observations so far for the beginning of the season: Jessie likes himself WAY too much; Jessie has WAY too many muscles; I was glad to see Brian go last week - he thought he was so smart and had the house under his control; One word - Renny - I don't quite know what to say about her - very eccentric, loud, obnoxious, but seems like she can be sweet and compassionate - but talks about her adult son WAY too much; So far I do like Ollie, Dan, Keesha, and 1 or 2 others that I don't know their names yet; There are some feisty house guests this season, it should be good! Stay Tuned.

Tomorrow I have to take Addy to the Pediatric Cardiologist. I think most of you know, but just in case you don't, Addy was born with a Ventricular Septal Defect or VSD. It's not an uncommon birth defect and we are fortunate that Addy's is very slight. It was found by her Pediatrician while we were in the hospital when he heard a murmur. It is literally her blood "swooshing" through a hole in her heart which is located in the wall between 2 chambers. They said it should repair itself by the age of 3 and if it doesn't, it should not cause her any trouble whatsoever or affect her lifestyle in any way. Tomorrow she will have an echocardiogram (sonogram of the heart) to see if the hole has gotten smaller. When the Doctor was 1st telling us about her condition, it was so overwhelming and scary. My 10 hour old baby has a hole in her heart?!?! But we have been reassured it is not a big deal and she will be fine. They better be telling me the truth, because I HAVE to hold on to that.

Look below at a post I did this morning showing off my beautiful niece, Brittany. She is a Senior this year...Boo-Hoo!! I can't believe she will be going off to college in a year!

Lizzy wants me to pet her so bad, so I guess I better go give her some love. Have a GREAT week! Sleep Tight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Addy's heart issue is scary but if Dr. says ok, then thats true. Still scary! Bet pics will be great!
As for BB, I liked Dan too but I think he may be out. Project Runway is great too! Love, Auntie S