Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Old Photos

I had every intention of blogging last night, but I ended up working until about 9:00 and by the time I finished I had such a migraine. I was in bed by 9:50 and took a hydrocodone. I woke up at 2:30 am because I heard Ashleigh going to the bathroom and I STILL had a migraine. What's up with that? Time to ask my gyno for more Relpax...it is the only thing that touches my migraines and they are related to my cycles. I had a bunch but I couldn't take it during my pregnancy, and now it all expired..grrrr. Luckily when I woke up it was gone for the most part. I could feel it wanting to come back, but I doped up on ibuprofen and it's been kept at bay today, thank goodness! Work has been busy, but I met my deadline and now I'm working on reviewing everyone's monthly reports (Performance Status Reports or PSRs). The Air Force has so many acronyms it's crazy! I guess it's probably any government entity, but I could probably write a whole sentence with just acronyms, ha!

Oh, back to Ash going to the bathroom at 2:30 am...when she opened her bedroom door she paused and then we hear real fast foot steps and then the bathroom door shut. Then when she was done, we hear the bathroom door open, then a pause, then real fast foot steps, then her door shutting. This morning I asked her if she was scared of the dark, and she said "No, I didn't want the cat to bite me". I don't know why she thinks the cat would bite her. If you know Lizzy, you know she is VERY unsocial. She gives new meaning to the term "scaredy cat". Ash has probably never been able to get close enough to her to even pet her. Probably Lizzy has hissed at her a time or two, so maybe that's where her fear is coming from. Lizzy only loves me.

Ash hurt my feelings today...she said "I'm going to find a new Mommy". When I asked her why, she said, "I want a new Mommy because you're mean". I don't know why she thinks I'm mean. I guess because I told her no when she asked for a piece of candy. I tried to explain to her that Mommy tells her no to things that aren't good for her. We don't eat candy right after eating breakfast. She seemed to get it, we'll see. Oh, and she's very anxious to get my diamond ring when I die. Nice.

Addy continues to grow like a weed. Her 6-month checkup is next week, so I'll be curious to see how much she has grown. Ashleigh has her 5-year checkup at the same time. I've been working with Addy on sitting up with the hope she might be able to for her pictures on the 19th. She doesn't really fall over but she is pretty much slumped over more than sitting up. 10 more days to work on it.

Now on to the old pictures. My main purpose of doing this was because Brian found one with Steve wearing a Dallas Cowboys ball cap. Hello, Steve, the alleged Pittsburgh Steelers fan?!?! Once a Cowboy fan, ALWAYS a Cowboy fan!! He's so busted. However, when I was about to start scanning in pictures this evening, the Harris clan came over. Kevin was looking at them and I didn't think anything of it, even though RC warned me that he would destroy it. But he looked at it, put it down, and I figured all was good. Well, after they leave and I'm uploading them to the blog, I realize the one of Steve as the BIG Cowboys fan is missing. Damn that Kevin!! He did something to it. He says he doesn't have it....well, I know that, he hid it somewhere or destroyed it!! Grrr...not happy! Anyway, here are some others.

This is Me and Ally in 1995:

Me, Ally, Brian, and Steve at the Roller Skating rink for one of Brittany's birthday parties:

This is embarrassing of me...my high school graduation party in 1990...look at those earrings & big hair!

Nice bangs, Brian!! Probably around 1997.

Okay, I liked this one of me...they can't all be embarrassing! But look at those poof curtains! This was my room at my Dad's house...probably around 1993.

Oh Kevin, nice shirt! Oh, and that smile is pretty funny too! Oh, and look, you had hair!

I like this one because it shows how big RC's hair was and how cute Brittany was as a kid.

My Dad boozing it up! This is funny because my Dad doesn't drink...good blackmail photo!

My Dear Mom-Mom West...she hasn't been with us for quite some time now...she LOVED visiting us in Texas from New Jersey, as you can see in her necklace.

My lovely Mom-Mom Wilson with my Mom. She passed away shortly after Ally and I graduated from high school. My Mom is her only child.

I had fun going through old pictures but it was quite a task. I had a big moving box at my Dad's that he made me take and has been sitting in the garage. When Brian was cleaning out the garage this weekend, he brought it in and made me go through it. I could have scanned thousands of pictures. I divided them up between me and my sisters. I'll have to put the "keepers" in photo albums or maybe a photo box.

Sleep Tight!


JESSICA said...

Jaccoby is doing the whole slumping thing too when I try to get him to sit up. It's their bellies getting in the way! :)
I LOVE the hair in those pictures! NICE!!! I think RC is the winner hands down. You & Ally were only trying to be like her. Brian looks like he is about 18 years old in some of those. (He very well could have been close to that.)
Is Mom-Mom West the Arabic one? If so, she reminds me of a lot of the women in my family.
Great blog!

The York Family Blog said...

That's ok, Andi. I have a duplicate Cowboy hat fan pic of steve. LOL
The hair...OMG! Terrible.

Anonymous said...

LOVED THE PICS! Have some to look thru too! Hard to do now :>( Love, Auntie S

Rae Carol said...

OMG, the hair!!! What in the heck were we thinking? Brittany sure is a cutie though. I found some of Kevin on the beach all tan and skinny. He was HOT!!! What happened? Ha, just kidding. I love that one of dad. That's funny!!

Anonymous said...

Hair, Hair, Hair and Big Hair that's how we used to do it in texas. Do you remember mine when I was younger? Probably bigger than all of yours. Haha :) J