Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thunderstorm Thursday

My Dallas friends are probably getting hammered right about now. We had it about 1 1/2 hours ago with tornado sirens and the whole works. I was prepared with flashlights, etc in our safe room "the kid's bathroom" just in case. Spring time in Texas usually means beautiful flowers, sunny days, strolls in the park, and CRAZY SCARY SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS. You can't live around here if you don't think thunderstorms are a pretty cool thing. Of course, Ashleigh is a young Texan, so she is still striving to reach that status. She was trying so hard to be brave (by talking a hundred miles an hour and asking questions that made NO sense whatsoever). But when Daddy FINALLY made it home from the store, she lost it and started crying. She tried to cover it up by saying, "I was scared you didn't have your jacket". It was just too cute! Anyway, we fared pretty good, we only had pea sized hail. To the west of us they had tennis ball sized hail.

It was a fairly uneventful day here. The most important thing was that the cleaning ladies came and my house is now clean...hallelujah!!! I was SOOO tired of the dog hair on the floor...of course, tomorrow I will start noticing it all over again...another fun thing to look forward to in the Spring in Texas...the dogs start shedding...grrr!!! Time to go to the groomer again to have them shaved!! Many of you might be saying "how lucky she is to have a cleaning crew" or "man, why can't she clean her own house?" Well, I hope nobody thinks negatively, it's the best $75 I could possibly spend and it's only every 2 weeks. As it is, there is not enough time in the day to care for the kids, do my job, laundry, homework, cook dinner, de-clutter, constant picking up of toys, etc. So be it!!! I think you should all get one!!

I made beef enchiladas for dinner and they were sooo good!! It's one of the few things I cook that Ash will actually eat. It may only be a few bites, but I'll take it!! Poor girl, on any given night when she finds out I'm cooking, she gets so upset. But she does like my mashed potatoes too.

Oh man, Brian just put on the "Deadliest Catch". I was just about to put on last night's "Big Brother After Dark"...I was dying to see what the house guests were going to say about Natalie's eviction during the live show last night. Oh well, I like this show too. I'll probably take sleep though.

Sleep Tight!!

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