Wednesday, April 9, 2008


It's a scary thought but I sent out my blog link to everyone today so that you all can keep in touch. Now I can't talk bad about any of you anymore, ha! No, seriously, I am excited that hopefully this will lead to keeping in touch with those of you that we don't get to see very often.

It's been a typical day around here, though, the weather has been yucky all day. It's been so nice lately in the 70s and 80s, but today it was rainy with temps starting out in the 50s and barely getting out of the 60s. I know I'm spoiled, but I need the sun!! Wednesdays are a little different for us...Ashleigh goes to pre-K at a private christian school so on Wednesdays the kiddos have to wear a uniform because they go to chapel. Also, she goes to speech therapy. Speaking of which, I am so very proud of her, she has become such a good little speaker!! We have a meeting next week to discuss whether she will continue speech next school year. I don't know how familiar most of you are with Ashleigh's "ear" issues, so I guess I'll fill you in now, here we go: When Ashleigh was 2 years old, her "parent's day out" teacher told us that she didn't think Ash spoke as well as she should be and said she thinks it's due to not hearing well. "Really, my little girl is not developing properly?" But after listening to her we realized her teacher might be right. This was also coinciding with MANY ear infections. Finally, her pediatrician agreed, too many ear infections, so we were sent to an ENT. After being tested, we found out she had constant fluid in her ears and she failed her hearing exam. They suggested she get tubes which requires surgery. I was soooo scared at the thought of this, but once we did it, I couldn't believe how easy it was. Brian and I sat in the waiting room and they literally called us back 10 minutes over, tubes in, good to go. No more ear infections since. BBBBUUUUTTTT, she has had other issues. July 4th last year, she jumped in the pool at my Dad's and came up screaming with blood coming out of her ears. To the emergency room we go. She had a severe rupture...not just a hole, but the whole drum was shredded. The ER doc gave us some pain meds and told us to go back to the ENT and suggested she would for sure have to have surgery to patch it. ENT said yes, it is a VERY bad rupture, but lets monitor it before heading to surgery. And by the way, failed yet another hearing test in that ear. Oy, here we go again! We have gone back every 3 months since, and her rupture is slowly healing but is still not completely healed yet...her last hearing exam in January was almost passing. If she plateaus with no more healing then they will do surgery, but her doc is optimistic. Anyway, she is VERY protective of her ears, her constant fluid caused her to hear everything like she was under water and so that is how she spoke. We are on the road to recovery and in the end, all of the doctor appointments, speech, etc will be worth it!!

Went to Wal-Mart tonight to get some groceries...I swear I can't leave that place for under $'s so ridiculous. But at least they weren't busy and check out was a breeze.

UUGGHH, it's 11:15 already and I still need to switch the laundry and do my 2 hour trek to the bed...maybe I can fore go all the usual obstacles between me and an extra hour of sleep and just go to bed...unlikely, but I'll try!!

Addy update: 9 hours last night, and 6 the night before, keep you posted!

Sleep Tight!!

1 comment:

JESSICA said...

Oh ya - WAL-MART...if you don't spend in the 3-digits there, you haven't bought enough! We have the SAME issues when we go. When we were single, it was "Oh my gosh, we can't get out of here under $100!" Now with a family it's "OMG - we can't get out of here under $200!" I TOTALLY feel ya! Ashleigh is speaking PERFECTLY and besides the usual letter sounds that 4-year olds have trouble with, she is doing WAY awesome! :)