Friday, April 4, 2008

Garage Sale

It's that time of year sister, Rae Carol (AKA "R" or "RC") is having a garae sale. I always put stuff in it, but man, it is such a butt whoopin'!! I ran home to do something for Brian and I thought I'd get in a quick post while I wait for one of his employees. On another note, my hair has started falling out in a big way...the same thing happened with Ashleigh when my milk supply started drying up. Right about the same time about 3 months. I'm still nursing about 50% of the time, but it's dwindling. It doesn't help trying to work while nursing becasue when I'm at work, I am sooo busy, and I simply do not have time for nursing and/or pumping, and my supply suffers. What's a girl to do?!?!

Ashleigh had another tee-ball game last night and those kids really enjoyed it!! We have a couple of stars on the team, but for the most part they aren't very good. Ash spent the day after school with Jessica and Jaydon. Jessica is the Mom that had a baby a week before us and Jaydon is her son that Ash goes to pre-K with. Ash is totally in LOVE with Jessica and Jaydon and they had a ball together! They're going to start hanging out's good for both kids.

Well, I'll let you all know how we did in the garage sale...most of my stuff is kids clothes. Have a GREAT day and weekend!!

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