Saturday, April 5, 2008

What a Day...

What a day...started out very early at the garage sale again. Was there a little while before coming home, getting Addy up and ready while Brian gave Ash a bath to get ready for tee-ball practice. I dropped Addy off at the garage sale for the family to watch her while I took Ashleigh to tee-ball, while Brian went to Arlington to do "honey-do" lists for both his Mom and his sister...they are both single, so Brian tries to help them out with household stuff when he can. Ashleigh behaved so badly at tee-ball...she wouldn't listen to her coaches or me. She only walked the bases when she should have been running and was just generally cranky. I hate it when she acts like that, I never know how to "handle it" when in front of all the other kids and parents. I wanted to spank her right there, but didn't want to embarrass her. She has had a decent nap since and behaved a little better afterwards.

Brian and Kevin had a bet going who could lose the most weight, by percentage, by March 30th. They both started out so strong, going to the gym, 24 hour Fitness, as much as twice a day, every day. Brian was really doing good and beating Kevin. I don't know what happened, but Brian fell off the wagon and conceded the loss. Well,l tonight he had to pay up and he had to take him to Saltgrass. So me, Brian, Kevin, and RC went. Brittany babysat for us (thank goodness because I needed a break from Ashleigh). It was sooo delicious and a good time. Today was the first time I have left Addy with anyone for any length of time. It was kind of nice, but it felt weird without her. I'm relieved I didn't bring her to tee-ball, because it was difficult enough just dealing with Ashleigh! Anyway, I am stuffed right now. As usual, I ate too much! Weight Watchers is really calling my name, and I need to get back on program...I just don't feel like it :)

Oh, the garage sale...I only made $107...sooo not worth the trouble! We spent a lot more than that on dinner. We'll see how desperate I am next year...

Brian has to go back to Arlington tomorrow to finish his lists and he is itching to get a motorcycle ride in...poor guy...never enough time in the day! Plus he wants to practice tee-ball with Ashleigh (she needs it desperately) and Kevin asked him to come help with installing some electricity so he can run some lighting to his new flag pole...OY!! I hope to sleep in...hopefully Addy will let me. If not, a nap will be in my future...I am just so tired. Though, I have found time to blog because I now do it while I am pumping, I just use Brian's laptop. It just makes it hard to post pictures...I'll have to do that on my computer since that's where I upload all of the pictures.

Well, I'm starting to feel the affects of pumping too long so I better shut this down. Have a GREAT Sunday tomorrow...I hope to at least clean out the inside of my car...all of a sudden there is stuff everywhere in it.

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