Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do You Give Up?

I am VERY sorry to disappoint my readers, I know all 3 of you were heart broken that I didn't blog last night. ESPECIALLY since I teased you the night before with the photo. Jessica and I went to the hospital to visit with Cathy and Nicki. Nicki looked really good, a bit thin, but good otherwise. She got the tube out today that was draining her right lung, so that is GREAT news. That also meant she was able to get up and walk around and even went to the playroom with her twin brother. Her Dad, Tim, told us that if she will eat normal amounts of food, she may get out of the hospital as early as tomorrow. We'll see.

Okay...the picture. Jeremy, the coach, will be so glad to hear that MOST of you guessed that his butt looked big. That just cracked me up because he is not an overly large man. I'm sure I hyped it up too much and it is more coincidental than it is funny. I would like to congratulate Meredith for figuring it out without a hint or anything. Even my own sister didn't guess it. Oh, the answer is that if you look in the background you will notice a van. That van is one of our company vans driven by none other than the owner, Mr. Brian Linder. We thought it was funny because Brian didn't know we were there, I didn't know he was there and didn't even notice him when I looked at the pictures after I uploaded them. When he was viewing them as a slide show he said, "hey, that's me" and I was like "where?" and he said right there in the van driving to my service call. What are the odds that at the exact moment I'm snapping a picture that Brian drives by in his work van and I capture it in a photograph without even realizing. You may need to enlarge the picture to see it better. I thought it was too funny.

We had a tee-ball game tonight. Well, kind of. All of the kids did coach pitch tee!! I was so proud of Ashleigh, she got a base hit every time up to bat. She didn't get to score any runs (she is so slow when she doesn't try real hard) because she kept getting out running to 2nd base. But that's okay. Cousin Brittany came with me so she could watch her play...Ash really enjoyed it!

Can I just say that I am sooo glad that I don't have to hear Sharon's little scream in the Big Brother house. Her little (actually, it's quite loud and obnoxious) scream ANNOYED the hell out of me...ask Brian, I literally cringed every time she did it (which was like every 3.5 seconds). I may have liked her if it wasn't for that!! It's down to Ryan and Adam...Go Ryan!!

It's been busy as ever with my job...enough said!

I guess that's about it for now, I can't believe it's 11:20 already. The days really need to be about 3-4 hours longer. Then maybe, just maybe I would get everything done that I need to get done! Sleep Tight!!

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