Friday, April 4, 2008

Exciting Friday Night

Well, here it is, a Friday night, and I'm pumping my milk and blogging...what a life!! It's a bit boring around here, but I wouldn't change a thing. Actually, I was hoping to go to the Silent Auction at Glenview Christian School, Ashleigh's pre-K, but Brian didn't get home until 8:45 and I didn't think it would be too fun with or for the girls. I put our classes baskets together, so I wanted to see how they did in the auction. They turned out really cute! I guess I'll just find out Monday and at least I didn't spend any money, because I would have if I did go! Jessica was going to go with me, but she lucked out ;)

Not a great start to this garage sale...I think I made like $58 today...sooo not worth my time. But it was a freaky cold windy day, so maybe tomorrow will be better...we'll see! I already told RC if I don't at least crack $100, I'm not going to the trouble anymore...but really, I should make it $200!! Oh well, what ever doesn't sell will be going to least my house is a little lighter. So up at the butt crack of dawn again tomorrow...ggrrr!! At least I'll get to leave for a little while for Ashleigh's tee-ball practice...this was an added practice if that tells you how good our kids are...hehehe!!

I'm thinking about my friend, Deena, she is in Ireland and I hope her and her husband, Kevin, are having a GREAT time!! I'm sure she is missing her son, Jack, though. I am so jealous, I need a REAL vacation BADLY. Someday...A girl can dream!

I hope you all (all 3 of you, ha!) have a GREAT weekend!!

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