Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Too Weird

Okay, I hate to disappoint my readers, but I'm not AT ALL in the mood to blog much tonight. It has been one of those days. But I had to share this with you...I uploaded the photos from tee-ball practice tonight and as Brian was looking at them via slide show, he noticed something very funny...see if you pick it out...I think the odds have got to be pretty slim!! Let me know if you think you figured it out. I'm still cracking up about it! Anyway, Ash was such a brat tonight at the beginning of practice, she just wouldn't listen or cooperate. I wanted to scream and pull my hair out, but then I realized my hormones are pulling my hair out for me, and I shouldn't make it go faster to baldness. UPDATE ON HAIR: YES, STILL FALLING OUT IN CLUMPS. YES, BRIAN IS TIRED OF CLEANING OUT THE DRAIN. YES, IT IS DUE TO MY MILK DRYING UP. But Ash acted a little better toward the end when I threatened her to never get a snack ever again. Anyway, that's all you get tonight, but I'll add a few more pics. Sleep Tight!


The York Family Blog said...

all i saw was everybody is wearing hats but her??? What??

JESSICA said...

You are killin' me!!!! I already emailed you my thoughts and even with the picture enlarged, the only thing I see is that it looks like something is coming out of Rowan's mouth. I have analyzed every strand of grass in the picture! Will ya please tell us??????????

Meredith said...

I found it, I found it!!!!! Do you want to know---Brian's van is in the background- or aqtleast one of the company van's, I figured that was it before I enlarged the photo and then when I did it confirmed it.