Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tee-Ball & Poker

I don't have a whole lot to report today. We had a tee-ball game this morning at 10:30, Ashleigh got to play pitcher again...Thank You Jessica and Jeremy!! It was a great day for her to play pitcher because we had lots of fans today. Oma (Brian's Mom, Margarete), RC, Kevin, Ally, Sydney, and Peyton. Ash was so excited they were there, so much so that she was a little distracted from her game. I kind of figured that would happen so what do you do?!?!

We were supposed to go to Nicki and Gannon's (they are twins in Ash's pre-K and on the tee-ball team) but unfortunately Nicki has fallen ill, quite seriously, so the party was cancelled. I feel so bad for them because I know they were looking forward to going to Putt-Putt for their birthday and the other kids were looking forward to celebrating with them. I just pray Nicki will feel better real soon!!

We went to the York's house for poker tonight. We haven't played in a while and it was a lot of fun. I can't remember what was so funny, but I had several of my "unable to talk" laughing fits. I won about $20, but Brian didn't fare so well...we probably still ended up ahead a little.

Let me tell you a little about the York's pets. First of all, whenever I bring up Chloe's name to Brian, he says "I thought she died". OMG Brian, she is not dead!! It cracks me up. I have no idea what breed Chloe is, probably a mix of about 12 different things. She 16 years old, has 1 tooth left, her hair is falling out, runs into walls, can't control her bladder, blind, deaf, and apparently when she is walking she'll seize up, go stiff, walk a little, seize up, walk a little...too weird!!! God bless Chloe, she has been a good pet to them. Now Murray, the Golden Retriever...Murray literally showed up on their door step one day with a chow. They tried to find the owners to no avail. They decided to keep the Golden. When they first got Murray, they brought him over to our house and what is the 1st thing he does? Lifts his leg and pees ALL over Brian's big screen TV...he has been banned from our house ever since...that was like 5 years ago!! Murray, this 100+ dog is SCARED to death of getting a drink of water out of his water bowl. It's the kind with the jug on top, so when he drinks, it sometimes "bubbles" up in the jug, and he backs away from it. For months, he wouldn't even drink out if it. Murray is also scared of thunderstorms...he LITERALLY destroys their house. If he is home by himself when a storm rolls through, he claws at the door until he draws blood and has the molding completely off the wall. Murray drools constantly. Murray likes to swim. We first discovered this at my Dad's pool when we were all swimming and here comes Murray, strolling down the steps into the pool, does a little lap and strolls back out. The problem with Murray enjoying the occasional swim is that he doesn't care if it's 100 degrees or 20 degrees...and when he shakes it off, we ALL get wet!! Then there is the cat, Milo....oh, Milo...they must REALLY love this cat. Actually, I'm pretty sure Steve will make this cat disappear without Ally's consent. Milo likes to pee, he likes to pee A LOT and on everything. I'm sure you know how lethal cat pee is. And he does it on beds, piles of clothes (clean or dirty, he doesn't discriminate), toys, rugs, it just doesn't matter, he does it everywhere...oh, and Milo has a crooked, broken, deformed tail. Plus he can eat his weight and food and he is literally skin and bones. Now, most of you know how much of an animal lover I am....including Ally's pets, but these animals crack me up and God bless Ally and Steve for putting up with them!! Just too funny!!

Time for bed, SLEEP TIGHT!!

1 comment:

The York Family Blog said...

My poor animals! They have been exposed to the whole world. I must say, I don't keep the cleanest home, but the way andi makes it sound, I should be living in a cat pee filled, dog pee, dog poop, torn all to hell from Murray house. We must be damn good housekeepers, cause our house looks pretty good considering. Yes, Milo pees on beds, clothes, etc. Found some mirical stuff. but yes, a lot of money wasted because of my animals. But, we do love them. They are still here, aren't they. Thanks to me. If it were up to Steve, the cat would have been fed to Murray, Chloe would have been put to sleep, and Murray would be an outside dog. Once these animals are gone....that's it for the Yorks for a while!!!!