Friday, April 18, 2008

Donuts With Dad

So the day started out with Ash being soo excited about Donuts with Dad. This is a cute little thing they do in pre-K for Father's Day...They are not in school during Father's Day so they do it in April. Brian came home with the cutest little gifts. One of them I scanned and attached to this posting. I thought it was so adorable, I scanned the front and the back. I'm going to put one of my sticky magnets on it and put it on the fridge. I think Ashleigh looks so much older in it, it's kind of scary. But too cute not to have it hanging somewhere. Then they had some stuff hanging up where the kids were answering questions about their Dad. Here is what Ash had to say about her Dad:

What is your Daddy's name? Daddy
How old is your Daddy? 76
What do you love most about your Daddy? That he wakes me up in the morning
What does your Daddy do for a living? Makes things with Mark and Greg
How much does your Daddy weigh? 2 pounds
What is your Daddy's favorite food? Pizza

He thinks there may have been another question, but he can't remember. I love the age and weight question, just too funny!! There were also some cute pictures they made and a card that made me cry. Oh boy, just wait until Muffins With Mom in May...I have a feeling all of the Mom's will be bawling...the men were too embarrassed to show their emotions, the women I think will be unable to control them...such a difference between men and women!!

Then we had Ash's ARD IEP meeting at the elementary school where she has her speech therapy. It stands for Admission, Review, & Dismissal Individualized Education Program. Basically it is a required meeting we have to have once a year where we learn the fate of her speech therapy for the following year. Ash WILL be going to speech next year. Though, we learned she has met ALL of her goals except one, and that is the articulation of age appropriate sounds, like l, r, th, etc. I am more than happy for her to continue speech next year because I feel she could not get too much can only help her be a better speaker and articulater. Plus, since she starts kindergarten next fall, I don't have to take her to speech anymore, they just pull her out of class for it. It's only 30 minutes per week.

Ash and Jaydon had their regularly scheduled "play date" today, so Jessica picked them both up from school. Apparently they had a GREAT time and even behaved pretty well. Jessica is learning how annoying it can be to listen to Ash ask for a snack every 5 seconds!! She did a little better today telling her no with the snacks, though she did give in on a few cookies and chocolate milk :) but one snack is okay.

Then we met Jessica, Jeremy, and kids at Shady Oak BBQ to make the exchange. We enjoyed a great meal and great company with the Rogers' family. Of course, Ash asked if she could go back home with them..."No, Ash, you may not MOVE IN with the Rogers' Family"!! Man, they must think we are so mean to her to make her not want to come home. But then she made me feel better when we were walking to the car and she reminded me that "I am her best friend". It's amazing how Ash controls my emotions.

Tomorrow morning we have tee-ball...we'll have lots of fans at tomorrow's game. Nobody has come to any game yet, but tomorrow they are all coming to the same one. Too funny. Hopefully Ash will be on top of her game!! Oh but wait, she doesn't really have "game" yet...let me re-phrase, hopefully she won't embarrass us, cry, walk the bases, or completely refuse to participate in the game!! hehehe!!! Let's just hope she has fun regardless of how she plays!!

Sleep Tight!

1 comment:

JESSICA said...

Ashleigh is catching tommorrow, then playing shortstop and left field. I hope she likes being catcher because that will make for some cute pictures!
You are SO right Andi; she looks like she's 12 years old in that picture with her hair down like that. WOW!!!!!