Saturday, April 12, 2008

All About The Kids

Today was a hectic day from the get go. We all slept in a little, well, 8:00 for Ash is sleeping in, but I'll take it! Addy slept 12.5 hours!! But of course we were in high speed mode to get out the door. Dropped Ash off at Jessica's so they could take her to tee-ball with them since I had a hair appointment and knew I wouldn't get back in time for the start of the game...thank you Jessica and Jeremy!! I went to Tina's to get my hair done, Brian wanted me to get it lighter, but I'm afraid he's going to be disappointed...I'm just not a "lighter" kind of gal. I may get my "sun kissed" highlights next round since it will be summer, he'll like that. Rushed from Tina's to the tee-ball game, unfortunately I missed the 1st 30 minutes, but the kids did really great. Ashleigh got to "play" pitcher...they don't really get to pitch, but they get to stand on the mound, and Ash must have liked it because she actually ran after balls...that's my girl!! She did have a lazy moment of walking from 1st to 2nd base, but she stepped it up after that.

After the tee-ball game a bunch of us went to Chili's for lunch. It was a lot of fun and the kids really enjoy spending time together, and of course, the food was delicious. The kids got balloon animals from a guy wearing a button that said "I work for tips" who kind of guilted us into the balloons, but whatever, the kids liked it. Cathy and Tim are so sweet, they bought us all lunch despite my begging to ppplllleeaaasseee take my $20...thank you Cathy and Tim!!
Then I volunteered to watch Jessica's and Cathy's kids so they could all go out on dates with their husbands. Those kids played so hard from 6:00 until like 10:30 and had a great time. And they ate like there was no tomorrow, my gosh, I don't know where they put it all!! I was literally in shock to see the amount of food these little body's were consuming. I think they were all trying to "one up" the others...too funny!

I've talked to Brian a couple of times today and he seems to be having a good time in Kansas City with his family. I'm sure I'll hear about all of the drama when he gets home, there's bound to be some.

Tomorrow I plan on sleeping in, well, as much as my children will allow, and then just relaxing all day. I want to get my pictures organized and saved to CDs before I delete them off of the camera. I am very paranoid because a few years ago our computer crashed and I lost so many pictures, including many "firsts" of Ashleigh...specifically Christmas and Easter and everything in between. I was devastated and will not make that mistake again of only having them on my hard drive.

Ally had an Open House today, I wonder how it went??? She hasn't called me back from my message after tee-ball.

Well, I'm pooped, I think I'll go watch a little "Big Brother After Dark" and relax a bit. Enjoy the pictures from today and sleep tight!
From left to right, this is Gannon, Ash, Nicki, and Jaydon (Gannon & Nicki are twins)

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