Friday, April 25, 2008

So Excited

I am so excited because today I found a website where I can publish my into a REAL book. That was my ultimate goal with starting this blog...all for the girls. I think they would love to someday read about their lives as it was being lived...and written by their Mom. I was talking to Jessica about it and we foresee an annual publishment. So excited! Anyway, the website it in case any of you are interested. It's cheap too!!

The day has been rather typical. Got a good amount of work done, though I was frustrated most of the day because people do not know how to return phone calls or emails. It is VERY difficult to put an entire procurement package together when NOBODY calls you back. Okay, I'm done venting! Thanks for listening!

Anyway, Ash didn't have school today, they were off today and again on Monday for Spring Break. They were off a week when the other schools had Spring Break, but that was considered their "Easter" break. It was nice to be able to let Addy sleep in this morning without having to wake her up to take Ash to school, without having to wake her up to walk Ash into school, without having to wake her up to put her back in the car, without having to wake her up to walk back in the house, AND THEN without having to wake her up to go pick Ash up, without having to wake her up to get out of the car to get Ash from class, without having to wake her up to put her back in the car, without having to wake her up to walk back in the house. See a trend here?!?!?!

Another tee-ball game tomorrow at noon, hopefully Ash will be alert and fully cooperating! Then Mom has a carnival at her church in Bedford. I would like to go but it starts at 10:30 and I'm not sure how late it goes to. If it's like 2:00 or 3:00 we might be able to get there in time. We'll see. Then Brian and I are going to the Rogers' house for a potluck get together. She is having prizes for the best dishes. It should be interesting. I was going to make potato salad, but someone else already is, so I think I'll go with Potato Casserole. RC is watching the girls for us. We haven't really left Addy yet for any length of time. Brittany did watch her while we went to dinner with her parents. It'll be a nice break for us.

We went to Sheridan's tonight...I hadn't been there in probably a was sooo good. I'm usually a chocolate concrete with heath bar kind of girl, but tonight I opted for a chocolate concrete with extra cookie dough. It was yummy!! Ash got chocolate with M&Ms and Brian got a chocolate malt with extra chocolate and extra malt.

This was a boring post, I'll spare you now. Have a GREAT weekend and Sleep Tight!!

1 comment:

JESSICA said...

I'm thinking royalties on those books! Hmmm...
Hey everybody that may read this, ASH WAS THE VIP AT THURSDAY'S BASEBALL GAME! Here is what Coaches Jeremy & Jessica had to say about her:
Tonight's VIP is: ASHLEIGH LINDER!!!
Coach Jeremy was completely shocked and VERY excited by the way you hit the ball tonight, Ash! You did AWESOME each time you were up to bat. You were really running fast to first base, and we are proud of you for that! You tried your hardest out on the field too. Keep up the good work, crazy girl! :)